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Had a girlfriend like this one but i was 13 at the time. She almost killed herself till she found someone to comfort her.

What I did was show here that there are other things you can do besides cut yourself and need somebody. I got her to stop by telling her that to get the trill she needs is to use something that would be dull not shard enough to cut the skin. Worked and 2 months later not more cutting. I also realized that once she stopped cutting herself she was happier then ever.

Find a good way to stop the cutting and then see if she stops having as bad mood swings.

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if you're in high school my suggestion is to whip it out and see what she says

it's all you really need to go after in high school anyways

Trolling a serious thread is not cool. not at all.


As for where your at Taco, Here is a different way to look at this:


Committing yourself to a 50/50 relationship is easy. it's a balance of give and take, and can be just as rewarding as it can be challenging.

However anything less than 50/50 is much harder. You will feel that your energy is being drained at times, and the question of if it is worth it or not should be on your mind in such a new relationship.


To find out if you yourself are strong enough to live in a more 70/30 relationship, you need to search deep inside yourself and ask..


Am I willing to help her get the help she needs to become more stable?

Am I willing to fight her in order to help her?


If you can say yes to both of these, and work together as a couple, It's possible that with professional help you might get closer to that 50/50 mark. it wont be easy and there is never a guarantee.


In the end it depends on how you want to live your life, and for that, your only source of help can come from inside you.

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Man, do not go down that road. Please please please don't let your decisions be based on whether you think she'll kill herself or not. Let me save you the time and heartache and tell you that you don't have a relationship if things come down to that. And if she understands that she can manipulate you that way... just no. Fuck no.


It's not fair for her to "make" you do things like sneak out so she can sleep at night. It's impacting your life and it's unhealthy for the both of you. You can be with her and not have to do things like that just to make whatever relationship you have work. I mean, two weeks and you have already been roped into doing that? She seems needy and I get it. I really do. Dealing with something like bipolar disorder isn't easy, but your relationship should not depend on what you can do to keep her stable. You have to take care of yourself first and encourage her to do the same.


Best post in this thread by far. Forum needs more jella

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Its not worth the effort. You aren't her therapist or psychiatrist. If I were you, I'd run as far as I could. Find a girlfriend that isn't emotionally disturbed. The most you can do for this one is give her a number for a therapist.


So what are you suggesting? That she can never find someone to take care of her besides her parents because of a biological mental condition that isn't her fault? I've had bipolar explained to me thoroughly because I had to go through therapy for about a year due to my sister. You probably know this, but bipolar is a chemical (hormone) imbalance in the brain. Moreover, it is apt to emerge in teenage years and calm down as you become an adult. However, the damage that is done is the damage that is done. It will never go away, but moreover she just needs to be on the right meds. If you truly love her, then go with her. If you are actually committed to her, then you can work with her and it will even out. Just don't fuck around with her feelings. Essentially, if you act like you actually like her and begin to look committed to her, then turn around and break up with her, it can trigger a breakdown and cause real problems. Just do a bit of research in managing it. And even if you won't marry her, it's nice for you to support her, she needs it. It tears a person apart if they have no support.


PS: If you are ever around when she's manic, it looks like it's a fake behavior for attention. It's not, if you happen to be around her during such a thing do not make any comments about it looking "fake" etc. This may trigger more emotional problems. Such as suicidal thoughts, etc.

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Along with all that i stated above, she also has a brother with mental retardation and a sister recovering from chemo. her life is really messed up and I am willing to help her with it.


I'd really suggest you do, this isn't a dating advice site lol, but people like that need support, generally, no one wants to be in a relationship with someone that has a really messed up life. Just don't pull any triggers.


Bipolar is like allergies, there's triggers and you can't get it permanently cured. But those with severe allergies need someone with them to possibly save their life.

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Me (being only 13 and never had a girlfriend) Had always been taught that dating was not only for looking for the one your going to marry. But also what you want to look for in a significant other. Its not TOTALLY pointless unless you plan on marrying the person. Because how are you going to know if its going to work if you arent totally sure what you want in a girl? This is in NO WAY from experience. Its from what Ive been taught. But I think its valid, Instead of JUST dating to find a spouse, it could also be used to see "Hey, I really like this about this *gender*... I want to marry someone like that"

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Me (being only 13 and never had a girlfriend) Had always been taught that dating was not only for looking for the one your going to marry. But also what you want to look for in a significant other. Its not TOTALLY pointless unless you plan on marrying the person. Because how are you going to know if its going to work if you arent totally sure what you want in a girl? This is in NO WAY from experience. Its from what Ive been taught. But I think its valid, Instead of JUST dating to find a spouse, it could also be used to see "Hey, I really like this about this *gender*... I want to marry someone like that"




sidenote: im in your sig lol XD

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Why would you waste your time with someone who seems like they're going to have more of a negative impact on your life than a positive? Move on bro, its probably not worth it in the long run.

she has a positive impact on my life as well.... she makes me happy. and in my opinion that is worth it, as happiness is the most important thing.

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Get her help, don't let her use you.


All of this. If you care about her enough to be in this situation to begin with, you need to focus on getting her better. She's not in a good place right now, and it takes some work to be able to be stable on your own, and THEN after she's fine emotionally, then SHE can help decide whether or not this relationship works. I've been with some people with dependency issues, and they weren't in it for the right reason. It just turned out to be a shitty thing for me because she wasn't ready for a real relationship, and I was too stupid to see it at the time. She seems to be doing just fine now, but it took 5 years to get there.


Anyway, good luck with the whole thing. Consider what's in her best interests, as well as yours.

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