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New Gta 5 Trailer!


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Wish they would release more info on the pc version. game looks awesome. might have to pick up a ps3 or 360.


GTA 4's PC version came out a while after the console versions did, I assume this is gonna be the case too. I just bought GTA 4 for PC when they had the mega-sale. It looks so much better than it does on my Xbox or my PS3. Can't wait for GTA 5, I can tell I'm gonna be playing as that bank robber guy most of the time. I hope that some characters from GTA 4 show up.

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GTA 4's PC version came out a while after the console versions did, I assume this is gonna be the case too. I just bought GTA 4 for PC when they had the mega-sale. It looks so much better than it does on my Xbox or my PS3. Can't wait for GTA 5, I can tell I'm gonna be playing as that bank robber guy most of the time. I hope that some characters from GTA 4 show up.


Yeah, what what i've read so far, it sounds like PC is going to be a later release. So idk if i want to get a console (which i've already been contemplating to use as an HTPC) or just wait for the PC version. I'm very impatient, so we'll see.

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Yeah, what what i've read so far, it sounds like PC is going to be a later release. So idk if i want to get a console (which i've already been contemplating to use as an HTPC) or just wait for the PC version. I'm very impatient, so we'll see.


I'm going to buy it for both because most of my friends have Xboxs, and I want to play with them, but I'm going to use the PC version for modding and it just looks better on PC. For some reason, the trailer graphics seemed to good to be true.

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