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... Let's Talk Divisions


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Laz, I respect how you feel about the divisions and how they can "control" you and your not making the decisions.


But what needs to be known is "divisions" for our different servers, pugs, etc....Look how much this community has grown since 08'.

It's crazy, and in my opinion "divisions" are a small part in all this, you make this a problem but focusing on it and not looking at the bigger picture of growth within the community as a whole.


Divisions are lead by Leadership, yet you have disagreements with said divisions, well you can always submit your concerns to anyone in leadership that will bring this up to uM+ if dL's cannot handle the situation.


Second, no one is forcing you to do a damn thing. We are ALL here on our own time and doing what we love to do. Play games and have fun with our friends! =D.



Now with "Your" misconceptions;


You are being forced to play the game of your division. (Explained above)


You must play a set quota of hours/minutes/seconds/lifetimes on that game each week. (All we ask is that you are active within your div. THERE IS NO QUOTA.)


You must get along with everyone in your division. (Preferably that would be nice, but let's be honest here, your not always going to get along with everyone. Meaningless point, next.)


The division you're in must be the game you play more than any other game. (I know one person you hang with that PLAYED LoL more than GMOD. Horseranger; was he still a in leadership? yes. Point and case; Preferably we "ask" that you are "ACTIVE"(NOT FORCED) That's a big difference. Next.


You must stick with the people of your division before anyone/anything else in HG. (Wrong, you do not have to stick with people in your div, you can play, talk, hang out, with other people and other divisions. (i.e. Laz you play in JB from time to time, yet your in STRAT; so let me get this straight, so you playing JB or ANY other servers related to HG contradicts your statement.)


Now the others;


You are expected to be active with the division you are in.


You can CHANGE DIVISIONS. ( Limited, because we don't want MASS changing divisions.)


Being in any specific division does not help you getting higher in rank (Strategy people......). (What REALLY helps you become higher ranks in HG is; 1. Giving a shit about HG and the servers 2. Don't troll your ass off and be a jackass all the time. 3. "Help out" (i.e. You see a trouble maker, hacker, prop killer. etc... get your proof and submit on hgbans. 3 steps? wow that's it. Yup, because us current Advs+ do this everyday and so does the community.


There is no preference for or against the people of any division by the leadership. (Agreed)


You can and are EXPECTED to play with people both in and out of your division. (Your choice honestly, what you DO NOT put in, you not going to get anything out of it.) Effort-It plays a HUGE part in this community.


You don't needs a division for every game you play, NO ONE ever said you did.


The divisions are fine as is as long as leadership respects the divisions, and leaders focus on the betterment of the divisions they've been appointed to.


You know who I'm talking to. ( Really? In fact, who are you talking about?, last time i checked we have a leadership that has meetings every week to make sure we can solve issues/problems that may arise. Us DA+ do everything in our power to help out, hence why we are in the position we are in. Focus on betterment? So all CS:S, GMOD, TF2, STRAT, MMO, we all are not trying to help our own divisions? Think again.)


And for Vetman;


Why can't we just remove all the divisions, and go back to the way things were when we didn't have all these powerhungry staff members.


Really Vetman? How many times have you been temp'd from the community? You have no room to talk, and show some damn respect for the so-called "power hungry" Staff members that have kept you here.

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Laz, I respect how you feel about the divisions and how they can "control" you and your not making the decisions.


But what needs to be known is "divisions" for our different servers, pugs, etc....Look how much this community has grown since 08'.

It's crazy, and in my opinion "divisions" are a small part in all this, you make this a problem but focusing on it and not looking at the bigger picture of growth within the community as a whole.


Divisions are lead by Leadership, yet you have disagreements with said divisions, well you can always submit your concerns to anyone in leadership that will bring this up to uM+ if dL's cannot handle the situation.


Second, no one is forcing you to do a damn thing. We are ALL here on our own time and doing what we love to do. Play games and have fun with our friends! =D.



Now with "Your" misconceptions;


You are being forced to play the game of your division. (Explained above)


You must play a set quota of hours/minutes/seconds/lifetimes on that game each week. (All we ask is that you are active within your div. THERE IS NO QUOTA.)


You must get along with everyone in your division. (Preferably that would be nice, but let's be honest here, your not always going to get along with everyone. Meaningless point, next.)


The division you're in must be the game you play more than any other game. (I know one person you hang with that PLAYED LoL more than GMOD. Horseranger; was he still a in leadership? yes. Point and case; Preferably we "ask" that you are "ACTIVE"(NOT FORCED) That's a big difference. Next.


You must stick with the people of your division before anyone/anything else in HG. (Wrong, you do not have to stick with people in your div, you can play, talk, hang out, with other people and other divisions. (i.e. Laz you play in JB from time to time, yet your in /STRAT; so let me get this straight, so you playing JB or ANY other servers related to HG contradicts your statement.)


Now the others;


You are expected to be active with the division you are in.


You can CHANGE DIVISIONS. ( Limited, because we don't want MASS changing divisions.)


Being in any specific division does not help you getting higher in rank (Strategy people......). (What REALLY helps you become higher ranks in HG is; 1. Giving a shit about HG and the servers 2. Don't troll your ass off and be a jackass all the time. 3. "Help out" (i.e. You see a trouble maker, hacker, prop killer. etc... get your proof and submit on hgbans. 3 steps? wow that's it. Yup, because us current Advs+ do this everyday and so does the community.


There is no preference for or against the people of any division by the leadership. (Agreed)


You can and are EXPECTED to play with people both in and out of your division. (Your choice honestly, what you DO NOT put in, you not going to get anything out of it.) Effort-It plays a HUGE part in this community.


You don't needs a division for every game you play, NO ONE ever said you did.


The divisions are fine as is as long as leadership respects the divisions, and leaders focus on the betterment of the divisions they've been appointed to.


You know who I'm talking to. ( Really? In fact, who are you talking about?, last time i checked we have a leadership that has meetings every week to make sure we can solve issues/problems that may arise. Us DA+ do everything in our power to help out, hence why we are in the position we are in. Focus on betterment? So all CS:S, GMOD, TF2, STRAT, MMO, we all are not trying to help our own divisions? Think again.)


And for Vetman;


Why can't we just remove all the divisions, and go back to the way things were when we didn't have all these powerhungry staff members.


Really Vetman? How many times have you been temp'd from the community? You have no room to talk, and show some damn respect for the so-called "power hungry" Staff members that have kept you here.



Now this, this is what I call a fantastic read.


Rizon, please tutor me in the ways of proving people wrong.

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TIL people don't know what "misconception" means.


Those five are opinions held by many people in HG that I am saying are wrong (i.e. misconceptions). You agreed with me... that they are wrong. Then agreed with most of the things that I said are right. I don't see the conflict here, nor do I see how that is a "fantastic read" as the person above me said.


And if you honestly want me to list the people in leadership who are much more active on games other than their division's games, please let me know. I withheld names for the sake of not causing drama, but since you already crossed that line I'll be fine with doing so as well.



Edited by LazaHorse
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And if you honestly want me to list the people in leadership who are much more active on games other than their division's games, please let me know. I withheld names for the sake of not causing drama, but since you already crossed that line I'll be fine with doing so as well.




Proving a point is all, to withhold names to avoid drama I'm down with that.

With personnel in leadership that aren't as active as they should be, let us Leadership handle that.


Those five are opinions held by many people in HG that I am saying are wrong (i.e. misconceptions). You agreed with me... that they are wrong. Then agreed with most of the things that I said are right. I don't see the conflict here, nor do I see how that is a "fantastic read" as the person above me said.



(I gave you legitimate responses to your statements nothing more, do not twist like everything you have said is right. Regulations and how divisions are handled have changed since you were in leadership, much has changed, basing your opinions off misconceptions from users in HG that dislike how things are going here. If they do not like or yourself as well, can EASILY ask uM+ or send them a PM on the forums with your concerns/questions/dislikes. every week we discuss what's important for this community.)

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Proving a point is all, to withhold names to avoid drama I'm down with that.

With personnel in leadership that aren't as active as they should be, let us Leadership handle that.


Those five are opinions held by many people in HG that I am saying are wrong (i.e. misconceptions). You agreed with me... that they are wrong. Then agreed with most of the things that I said are right. I don't see the conflict here, nor do I see how that is a "fantastic read" as the person above me said.


(I gave you legitimate responses to your statements nothing more, do not twist like everything you have said is right. Regulations and how divisions are handled have changed since you were in leadership, much has changed, basing your opinions off misconceptions from users in HG that dislike how things are going here. If they do not like or yourself as well, can EASILY ask uM+ or send them a PM on the forums with your concerns/questions/dislikes. every week we discuss what's important for this community.)


... There seems to be a disconnect here.


The first five things... are wrong... but they are widely held opinions.


We call those things "misconceptions". I am TELLING YOU they are wrong.


You are then taking those five things and saying they are my opinion.


They are NOT my opinion, they are wrong.


We are in total concurrence here, but you still seem to be trying to make this into an argument.



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There is none. Based upon what you wrote in the thread I am basing off.

You say they are a community based opinion, okay. So be it I'm fine with that.


What you must understand is I'm going to defend HeLLsGamers and it's divisions when false accusations in my opinion are being called.


That is all, the fact that you think I am attacking you is stupid. and lastly



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The OP was what made me come to that conclusion, the other useless posts kinda added to it..


As a valued member of our community, your opinion is very helpful toward making this a better place for all. Thank you for your concern and we will take your considerations into account with future forum activity. Thank you again for striving with us toward excellence.


We need a division for the fuck ups. Something kind of like Bad Company.


Give it a rest would you? Christ...



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