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Zombies Are Taking Over The World. What Would You Do?

Street Lethal

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Yes, I am alive. Full-time student + 40 hour work weeks = no down time.


Anyways, I've been getting caught up in the Walking Dead and I actually got this question asked to me in a job interview. Here's how I responded: I currently live in NYC so I'd get outta here ASAP. It's nice having resources, but population density would spread the infection like wildfire. I'm sorry but I do not trust 86-year-old Betty living in the Upper East Side to avoid getting bitten. The only plus is that everything is vertical so if we stayed somewhere that had a strong base (One WTC, Empire State Building) we could just use the ground floor as a huge chokepoint.


I'd either go inland towards rural areas (just like Walking Dead) or head out to Long Island where we could use the water as a natural barrier (unless zombies know how to swim. that would be terrifying). create a fortified community and seek to rebuild and possibly seek a cure.

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Zombies aren't possible but assuming this does happen I would probably go to the house next door to mine. The upstairs is big and there's only one stairwell in which it's not attached to the ground, so you could knock down the stairwell and be well 15ft+ above ground.

Food, Water, Weaponry?
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