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Guess How Many Girls Angel Will Hook Up With Tonight... For Jb Rep


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What the title says.


Last Saturday night I went clubbing for the first time with a mate; went in with no plan, idea, EXPERIENCE, etc, and I hooked up with 2 girls (first time btw :D).


Now tonight (Friday) we're going out again to the same club (but different name) once I've finished work in about an hour and a half and it's gonna be even better than last week now since I have the experience.


So people, guess a number (can't be zero cos that just ain't gonna happen) of girls that I will be making out with tonight.


And guess a number of how many of those girl's numbers that I will be getting (feel free to post zero lol).




7 [hook-ups] and 3 [numbers]


Who ever guesses the hook-ups correctly (or closest) gets 1k jb rep and same for the correct amount of numbers (again, if cloest); so you have a chance to win 2k rep in total :)


Rules: 1 post (entry per person), and only 1 guess per person, and you can't pick a number that someone else has already posted.


Open until I post back with the winner(s) :)



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