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Admin Abusing and admitting to it


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2. not able to retrieve his steam id since he banned me

3.Jailbreak Server

4.About 3:00 Eastern time

5.<a href='http://img37.imageshack.us/i/jasonadminabuse.jpg/'><img src='http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6649/jasonadminabuse.jpg' border='0' alt='Image Hosted by ImageShack.us'/></a><br/>

6.K well i was playing as a ct as the name rebel at 5:00 and then the lead ct's orders were to stay in pool area and if u come out u get killed. So a bunch of nonrebbelling terriosts where inside the line of the big openning door in pool area, but nobody was crossing it, then a guy tried to be funny and he crosses the line(disobeying the orders that if u come out u get killed) and then quickly runs back in he did this several times and i killed him. so the lead ct and noone else complained cus they saw that. Then he started complaining to admin jason, saying i freekilled i think jason was just sick of hearing about freekillers so he jsut switched me when the round ended to terriost. so i was like "wtf jason whyd u switch me" he said "u freekilled", and im like "no i didnt, where u looking! tnhats admin abuse switching without evidence" (during this time the orders were to crouch to big cage so i was doing so and jason was too) and then jason said "you wanna see admin abuse?" and then he slays me and says "That's admin abuse!" in admin chat. Lamigra whos a fair admin i play with him all the time there, i told him " u saw that! im gonna report him i got ss" and he was like "wait a lil" so i waited and LaMigra said"Alrite i talked to him, ill switch u back to ct at the end of the round, but dont post it'll just cause to much drama." so i was like "OK but switch me back to ct at the end of the round" ok so LaMigra switched me. Then i start playing ct trying to forget about the abuse, the round goes by terriosts are told to crouch to obstacle course, one terriosts makes a run to first cell into armory, so one ct said "one went to armory" so me and a couple of other cts go to armory. The rebel had killed 1 ct and went to the vent, so me and another ct go down and i killed him(the rebelling terriost) then i climb back up heading to obstacle course, and it says Kicked and banned, i check console and Jason banned me for 120 mins.So i quickly tried to get a hold of lamigra's steam friend thing to him im sry but im gonna report him now. Then i saw Vagina(an admin in jailbreak) online so i talked to him, he told me how to report admin abuse what website it was and everything. so i reported him with the screenshot above thats shows clearly him admitting to the abuse thinking its funny.


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OK WELL I WAS IN SPECTING HIM THE WHOLE TIME AND saw it anda admin did not swich him back cause i told him and he said ok. also he changed him name like 10 times to get out of it and i told him if he swiched back it was a ban,. the reason i slayed him was because he was disrespecting me and talking bout abuse when all i did was swich him . u also see ppl going haha so u can tell he had it coming.

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Alright lets settle this... Joaquin is a good player always has been and never has caused any trouble before... I think both sides are taking this way to seriously and should just squash this and move on... Oh and on the abuse matter I don't think it was abuse but it could have been handled a lot better..... once again lets move on and forget this and enjoy the rest of the funny drama that JB brings us

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I've just got a few things to say to this...


1. I'm tired of you no name nubs coming into the server and questioning everything that happens threatening the admins with "abuse." If you think it really flies as abuse post it on the forums with evidence.


2. If you think you would be such a great admin yourself pay your $15 and stop complaining. Don't come crying back when everyone starts yelling at you to use your 40+ eyes and see that one guy freekill you that one round and "OMG how did you not see that?!"


3. No demonstrations needed on abuse because.... IT'S ABUSE.


Lastly, if you make trouble there will be trouble so instead of causing problems just so you can get an admin in trouble try this instead. It'll make everyone happier. :diaf:


Oh yeah and I'm an admin that used to play JB a lot. I know exactly how it is to be abused that's why I got my admin. Maybe you should get yours too.

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I was in there, i remember the T's running back and forth it was funny and was wondering what will happen. As to the T's that went to armory the next round or so it did happen and he was killed. The cts say no armory at the start of each round. They way you acted means that you should have your admin removed.


THIS WILL BE YOUR WARNING. SEEING THAT YOU HAVE NO OTHER THREADS AGAINST YOU, YOU WILL BE WARNED. PLEASE RE-READ THE MOTD. UNDERSTAND IT! Also when you say "this is abuse" then that is what it is. You did it out of no reason. This better be the last case with you. Or there WONT be any more admin for you.





PS: the plain T was me in the SS. I like being a rebel and not fitting into the group.

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ok thanks master, andd for those of u saying wow stop complaining adn deal with it, it was one slay, i have never reported an admin for abse or signed up in forums i dont really care for doing this, but this was just annoying and makes u wanna rage, and listen ive said this 3 times on this thread already, IF IT WAS ONE SLAY I WOULDNT BE COMPLAINING, BUT HE BANNED ME FOR 120 MINS, also if u have no idea what happened and ur arent part of this, dont come in and say comments like "Wow dude it was just one slay" cus it wasnt! so u dont no what happened

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