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Admin Abusing and admitting to it


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ok thanks master, andd for those of u saying wow stop complaining adn deal with it, it was one slay, i have never reported an admin for abse or signed up in forums i dont really care for doing this, but this was just annoying and makes u wanna rage, and listen ive said this 3 times on this thread already, IF IT WAS ONE SLAY I WOULDNT BE COMPLAINING, BUT HE BANNED ME FOR 120 MINS, also if u have no idea what happened and ur arent part of this, dont come in and say comments like "Wow dude it was just one slay" cus it wasnt! so u dont no what happened


Y'know, between your sentence structure and how you came in here yelling and screaming in response, you're pretty lucky that anyone listened to you at all, regardless of if you were right or wrong. Relax a little. Christ on a bike.


AND EDIT YOUR POSTS. Posting 3 times in succession when another thought passes through your head is not necessary.

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ok thanks master, andd for those of u saying wow stop complaining adn deal with it, it was one slay, i have never reported an admin for abse or signed up in forums i dont really care for doing this, but this was just annoying and makes u wanna rage, and listen ive said this 3 times on this thread already, IF IT WAS ONE SLAY I WOULDNT BE COMPLAINING, BUT HE BANNED ME FOR 120 MINS, also if u have no idea what happened and ur arent part of this, dont come in and say comments like "Wow dude it was just one slay" cus it wasnt! so u dont no what happened


Lawl. The issue was resolved I recommend you get off your high horse and stop trying to order everyone else around.


Also, fifteen dollars a month is very fair. It's like showing your support with privledges. You play free on the servers and enjoy yourself. It is a gaming community and that is what they are there for but someone's gotta pay the upkeep. What's not fair about throwing in a helping help if not to show your support than to simply obtain the powers that come with it?


I believe you were able to come on these forums and make a complaint that was dealt with fairly. Not all Leaders/Owners are so fair. So, please tell me what's not fair about it?


You are provided with a free gaming community to play on. Perhaps there are plenty of servers out there but someones paying for each of them.

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Ok for nicolas cage, ill try to spell better.


For Hg|Wingless, ok i dont no what your talking about when u say"Your coming and hear yelling and stuff" i dont no what ur talking bout me coming in here yelling lol this is a computer, u cant yell, if u mean me using CAPS LOCK ok ill stop using so much caps lock and wll edit my posts instead of addding new ones.


For Kinta, what i mean by "thats not fair" is that it is not fair that u have to get admin to not be admin abused, i didnt say it wasnt fair the price the offered it. im sry i just wont waste that much money a month on css. And dont be telling me to "Get off your high horse and stop trying to boss ppl around"i dont no who you think your are, but i defitnelly did not think that of my self so dont be putting words in my mouth.


For Everyone Else, The issue is DONE WITH. Im satisfied with HT|Master's desicion, im lucky he was in the server when some of it happened. Im done talking bout it.

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