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Garrys Mod Growth - Long


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Hey Guys,


A conversation has taken place instructing each division to spice itself up. This is evident in the News feed and the articles by each Divi leader. I have got to say, the GMOD one is kinda lame compared to Counter-Strike or MMO. http://hellsgamers.c...-direction-r223


Nothing new or cool, just talk to your friends and maybe we'll do some events, that the same "elite" core of Perp will win.


What we need to do, is make it more fun. Change some stuff around, see what happens and if it's negative, remove it.

A guy joined the server and asked what the best thing about our server was, and the only thing we could come up with is that is has great staff, even then this was said by O-Prime, a staff member from another division.


I have some suggestions, feel free to criticize them, add your own and discuss the effects from each of them:

  • Give 1st time players something to do. Everyday, people ask what they can do, and they always show the same disappointment at having to mess around for 4 hours before they can do something, or they are told to run for Mayor, oh wait, didn't have enough cash to advertise and another player who has a bunch of mates and has been playing for a year just got the job. Or they are told to grow. Problem with this is that it's gonna be hard for them to constantly get guns/ammo, then grow solo. When they ask what to do to stop being raided, they are told to join an org. Lets face it, no org apart from Blessing, Limitless and Boondocks remotely stand a chance of defending an apartment or suburb house. Add a job that doesn't require a car, yet gives them something to do. A doctor or something, someone who walks around and heals people for small amounts of cash.
  • Remove Org barriers. This is something to test out. The Major orgs run the show. Most of the members are people who can play most of the day, have gaming computers (little to no lag) and have cash to spend at will. Encourage bigger orgs that accept fresh faces. Give Orgs rewards for members, or have an org bank or something.
  • Give HG rewards. One of the goals of GMOD division is to recruit people. Give people cash, a gene, a car....something for joining/signing up to HG or making an account with hellsgamers.com. This will encourage people to get more involved. It shouldnt be that I am seeing people who have been playing perp since I joined to only create an account yesterday.
  • Give out more cash. w/o a major org to encourage you, and w/o cash to buy Gold, it can be hard to buy stuff. Admittedly, I throw my cash around a little too much. But it shouldn't be that for 7 months of perp, I have an 80k car, can't make shotguns and struggle along with a max of 20k in the bank when Im not specifically saving up. Conkers held a race today and gave out a total of 500k. This was a major success, however it was Inc who won 400k, and another audi that won 100k. Both of which are unavailable to a normal player; nobody else stood a chance. BUT PEOPLE LOVED IT. The whole server went totally quite. Those w/o cars made an obsticle or watched as cars crashed and flipped out into massive 20 car pile ups.
  • Don't encourage conflict between players. Grudges don't make the game fun. The Lite RP is too serious. Encourage people to laugh and have a good time, instead of constantly trying to rip each others throat's out. Lesson death time and cost.....
  • Role Play. Convert the MTL into a business. Different jobs do different stuff, a guy drives a Mule from one side of MTL to the other, unloads and goes back, depending on his time and how many, the more cash he gets. Nobody every buys MTL, it's too open, too hard to prop off, and there is no need for such a big space. Break it up into something people can do.....could tie this into the 1st item. Also Burger King could be a job. Open up the drive-in, make it rob-able, add jobs.
  • Make FUN jobs. W/o fire, fireman is boring, medic is probably the best job, cop and swat you die too much to make $. Add something that makes people laugh, and that people want to do.
  • Reduce Lag. I don't know enough about this to say anything helpful, and I know that anything easy to reduce it would have been made already. Lag scares people away, and makes the "elite" core a lot better than people like me. Find ways to tone it down, reduce a graphic here and there, remove unneeded enities and props such as door breecher and furniture.
  • Reduce connection time. Whenever I think about joining Perp, I usually decide against it because I want to do something, not wait for 10 mins to connect, then go back to trying to raise cash enough to buy some buckshot so I can raid with limitless to try and join it. Again, remove unneeded stuff and make a concerted effort.
  • Remove the "I don't give a shit" attitude. Make em give a shit. People like *Lunar ---* (Not saying names) should be handled with. The constant need to call people noobs makes the whole atmosphere depressing.
  • Lighten up the map. Whenever someone looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, they always mention that the map looks so depressing. Apartments and industry majorly. Bland colours and small spaces combined with small amounts of lag makes you feel like you're in a communist state or something.
  • Make it a community. Jailbreak is cool cause people make jokes, are friendly and generally look forward to hanging out with each other. There is a sense of this in Perp, but only within an org.
  • Admins be friendly. Half the time when I PM someone they wont respond. I saw an admin slay someone when they were walking away from the fight, cussing them out. All they did was ask em to remove their weapon, and once told that he shouldn't do that walked away. Instead of slaying, point out he had an awesome Auzzie accent and make the rules clear to em. The server should be a priority, "Doing admin stuff" is said too much, sorry. Admins should try to get people to stay, not trying to make people leave.
  • Add more admins. I know we just added more, but with the demo's down, when no admin are on crazy thinks happen. Need more admins....

I understand some of these would be extremely hard to do. Some of them would require real world $ investments. You guys have done a great job and I'm not denying that, I'm suggesting some stuff to maybe try out or discuss. I realize I have not said ways to fix some of the stuff, and that's cause I don't know how far we are willing to go, and can't think of a solution that isnt totally outrageous.


Feel free to tell me where I'm wrong, tell me where I'm right (XD) and propose ideas. I understand most of these are outrageous, but we need to do something to make GMOD better in the Hellsgamers community.

Edited by WhataWackaMonk
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Good post. I agree with all of these. Aside from giving out cash, I think these all would make HG PERP a lot better. As a new player to PERP, I would've loved to have a job in my first 4 hours. In addition, the only job I've noticed that I can make considerable money is as a firefighter, and that's only when there are large fires.


Another suggestion I have is add an advice chat that can be disabled by any players. That way, OOC isn't spammed with questions of what to do and those who are actually interested in helping can choose to keep the chat enabled to view the questions.


Also, (and I'm sure you've heard this before), but being able to /report while dead.

Edited by xafizzle
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  • Give 1st time players something to do. Everyday, people ask what they can do, and they always show the same disappointment at having to mess around for 4 hours before they can do something, or they are told to run for Mayor, oh wait, didn't have enough cash to advertise and another player who has a bunch of mates and has been playing for a year just got the job. Or they are told to grow. Problem with this is that it's gonna be hard for them to constantly get guns/ammo, then grow solo. When they ask what to do to stop being raided, they are told to join an org. Lets face it, no org apart from Blessing, Limitless and Boondocks remotely stand a chance of defending an apartment or suburb house. Add a job that doesn't require a car, yet gives them something to do. A doctor or something, someone who walks around and heals people for small amounts of cash.


This has been talked about before, going back to the idea that someone had (sorry, forgot who it was) about making the inside of the map somewhat of a safer zone, and the outside, everything goes. As for the mayor situation, I have seen plenty of new players get mayor, and that isn't really an issue. As for growing, yes, once and awhile new people do get raided. Sometimes more then not, but if we make everything easy, what's the fun in the game? As for a new job, the problem with adding new jobs (don't bite my head off, it's what I've been told) is that it's hard finding new spots to put NPC's for jobs. However, we've been pushing for a bus driver job.


  • Remove Org barriers. This is something to test out. The Major orgs run the show. Most of the members are people who can play most of the day, have gaming computers (little to no lag) and have cash to spend at will. Encourage bigger orgs that accept fresh faces. Give Orgs rewards for members, or have an org bank or something.


Once again, there have been plenty of big orgs that have come and gone, making orgs smaller, will just make the game a lot more easier then it's suppose to be.


  • Give HG rewards. One of the goals of GMOD division is to recruit people. Give people cash, a gene, a car....something for joining/signing up to HG or making an account with hellsgamers.com. This will encourage people to get more involved. It shouldnt be that I am seeing people who have been playing perp since I joined to only create an account yesterday.


This isn't really that big of an issue, especially not to give people free stuff to sign up on the website. Recruiting isn't much of a problem, and regardless if the people playing our servers have an -hg- tag or not, we still have the players. Yeah, it's good to have some new fresh recruits, but giving them a prize for signing up on the site, or joining HG? I can tell you right now that it probably won't happen.


  • Give out more cash. w/o a major org to encourage you, and w/o cash to buy Gold, it can be hard to buy stuff. Admittedly, I throw my cash around a little too much. But it shouldn't be that for 7 months of perp, I have an 80k car, can't make shotguns and struggle along with a max of 20k in the bank when Im not specifically saving up. Conkers held a race today and gave out a total of 500k. This was a major success, however it was Inc who won 400k, and another audi that won 100k. Both of which are unavailable to a normal player; nobody else stood a chance. BUT PEOPLE LOVED IT. The whole server went totally quite. Those w/o cars made an obsticle or watched as cars crashed and flipped out into massive 20 car pile ups.


This points back to us needing more events. I, myself, have held races along the city while there's people on, as well as Rizon, Conkers, and some more people, in which we give out prizes. But as I said, this goes back to Advisors needing to make more events.


  • Don't encourage conflict between players. Grudges don't make the game fun. The Lite RP is too serious. Encourage people to laugh and have a good time, instead of constantly trying to rip each others throat's out. Lesson death time and cost.....


We can't really control what people do and say to each other, but I do agree that there should be some sort of stability between the players, and not people running around cursing at each other.


Whenever I see a player cursing out another player, I just warn them to watch the way they talk. Again, this is pointed in mods/admins direction on keeping players in check.


  • Role Play. Convert the MTL into a business. Different jobs do different stuff, a guy drives a Mule from one side of MTL to the other, unloads and goes back, depending on his time and how many, the more cash he gets. Nobody every buys MTL, it's too open, too hard to prop off, and there is no need for such a big space. Break it up into something people can do.....could tie this into the 1st item. Also Burger King could be a job. Open up the drive-in, make it rob-able, add jobs.


Refer to what I've said the first time.


  • Make FUN jobs. W/o fire, fireman is boring, medic is probably the best job, cop and swat you die too much to make $. Add something that makes people laugh, and that people want to do.


Refer above.


  • Reduce Lag. I don't know enough about this to say anything helpful, and I know that anything easy to reduce it would have been made already. Lag scares people away, and makes the "elite" core a lot better than people like me. Find ways to tone it down, reduce a graphic here and there, remove unneeded enities and props such as door breecher and furniture.


The server does not lag, most of it is client sided FPS lag, in which PERP causes a lot of. You need a good PC to run PERP, that's just how it is.


  • Reduce connection time. Whenever I think about joining Perp, I usually decide against it because I want to do something, not wait for 10 mins to connect, then go back to trying to raise cash enough to buy some buckshot so I can raid with limitless to try and join it. Again, remove unneeded stuff and make a concerted effort.


Again, clientsided. People with good computers/good internet will connect to the server faster. As tested.


  • Remove the "I don't give a shit" attitude. Make em give a shit. People like *Lunar ---* (Not saying names) should be handled with. The constant need to call people noobs makes the whole atmosphere depressing.


Again, this refers to admins/moderators to watch over the server and keep players in check.

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Couldn't fit all the quote's in one post, had to double post.



Lighten up the map. Whenever someone looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, they always mention that the map looks so depressing. Apartments and industry majorly. Bland colours and small spaces combined with small amounts of lag makes you feel like you're in a communist state or something.




Make it a community. Jailbreak is cool cause people make jokes, are friendly and generally look forward to hanging out with each other. There is a sense of this in Perp, but only within an org.



Again, this refers to admins/moderators to watch over the server and keep players in check.



Admins be friendly. Half the time when I PM someone they wont respond. I saw an admin slay someone when they were walking away from the fight, cussing them out. All they did was ask em to remove their weapon, and once told that he shouldn't do that walked away. Instead of slaying, point out he had an awesome Auzzie accent and make the rules clear to em. The server should be a priority, "Doing admin stuff" is said too much, sorry. Admins should try to get people to stay, not trying to make people leave.



If you think admins aren't being friendly enough, or making people leave per say, then you can deal with an DL/UM to get this fixed. Some admins are hard on players, but mostly because they know what they're doing and they shouldn't be doing it.





Add more admins. I know we just added more, but with the demo's down, when no admin are on crazy thinks happen. Need more admins....



Go talk to a UM/DL.

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4 am waiting for things to compile i'll just reply to a few things in no random order and possibly incoherently;


1: new people growing - I do my best to avoid raiding new people and I know a lot of the other "top" players do as well. a lot of times i'll give out a shotty or two and a few buckshot if i know someone is new and basing and maybe give them some pointers on how to not get themselves killed. If they decide to join an org and base with them or base under their name they usually dont get as much courtesy.


2: winning 400k from the races - there were 6 other bugattis in the race. if i didnt win it one of them would. i give out free stuff to people who a: are nice and b: arent annoying about it so having this sudden influx of 400k i'll probably liquidate a lot of it into buckshot for when people ask me for ammo (inb4 everyone asks me for buckshot)


3: HG members getting rewards - i dont agree with this simply because you should join HG because you want to be part of the clan or whatever your personal reason is. not because you want free stuff.


Other than that i pretty much agree with what suicide said though i skimmed through it. Getting up there in perp is half about who you know and half about being able to hold your own. I remember being a no-named random defending against raids from scalletta, boondocks, whatever big org you want to name. I won some, i lost some. But i kept at it and here i am. Maxed out all but 1 or 2 of the skills and having a few million dollars worth of cars.


Dont think having money = the ability to win. Having 1 shotgun and 1 buckshot and being a good shot can get you 10 kills if you never miss. Thats far better than having 10 shotguns and 10 buckshot and wasting 8 shots to get a kill.


Oh and last, perp is an RP. So it's exactly what you make of it. If you want to do cool things, do it. If other people arent doing cool things, well maybe theyre just lame.

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All good posts guys, thanks.


I wasn't condemning you for winning inc, I was just saying that we need to hold different types of events, where buggati's and audi's dont run the show.


Thanks for the posts Suicide.....


New suggestion; Christmas lights. String lights round areas of the map. This will make our server more "Cool" for new people and the chance of them coming back would be greater. Maybe remove the fountain outside of Nexus and put in a christmas tree. I wont go as far as it spits out cash @CSSJailbreak

Edited by WhataWackaMonk
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Being a former dA of GMOD, I'm going to address some of your suggestions and my argument for/against them. Things might have changed, so take it with a grain of salt. Note: It's 8AM, I have little to no sleep, so I might come off as an irritable dickhead.



  • We cannot cover everything. We don't have enough monitors, PC's, GMOD copies and server slots to cover the entire server. No matter how many we fucking add, it just will not work out.
  • YOU have to be proactive about it. Ban reports do NOT have to be in demos. I repeat, DO FUCKING NOT HAVE TO BE IN DEMOS. (Imagine a drill sergeant yelling that in your face) I am sick and tired of people blaming shit on me because I wasn't spectating at the right time and that you weren't recording because demos are broken and didn't want to record by other means.
  • Use /report like it was supposed to be used, to contact all online admins about someone who is breaking the rules. Please do not PM a singular admin to handle something.
  • Being friendly and "commenting on his Auzzie accent" is very hard when he's running over people / glocking people in the face. I will not ask him why he is RDM'ing people. I will slay him, revive him, freeze him, then talk to the fucker. Also, do not be a backseat driver by telling me what to do, add your own commentary to the situation, and interrupt my admin business. Nothing is more annoying than to listen to people go, "ban him pls. he rdm my fren an he stol my stuf." over and over again.
  • You contradicted yourself when you said the server should be a priority, immediately after saying that "doing admin stuff" is used too often. Often times, for me, I am actually doing shit. Personally, my time on PERP = 90% general admining, 10% RP.


  • People join big organizations because people like to be with their friends and people like to win. It's natural since we, humans, thrive when we work together. Also, no one really likes to get glocked in the face...
  • Smaller organizations do not flourish because they often times cannot use a gun for shit and them blame the server for their shortcomings.
  • Smaller organizations need to get their name out and start recruiting new people. Remember when Necessary Evil was shit? I do. (Sorry Neko, Conkers, Inc.... ily.) As a side note, Neko sucks and I can beat her with a glock.
  • It's all about skill. You don't see ZJ and I 2v12'ing "The Mafia" org in apartments by sitting around fondling our nutsacks. We know how to shoot, it's time you learn too. Another thing to add is that having "gaming PC's" has nothing to do with anything. Fucking ZJ somehow plays PERP with 20 FPS and don't even get me started about Bigjohn.
  • Admins/the server are not responsible for grudges between players or organizations. That is simply your own fault. We do not encourage nor deny it's existence. e a shit attitude" should be handled... if we are informed, which we are not, because people are lazy don't use /report or don't post ban reports with real proof. Admins cannot cover everything on the server.
  • "Make it a community." should not be up to admins. It is up to the players of the server. It's like the way it is now because PERP is 100x worse than JB.
  • The "elite" core is only a myth. There is always someone better. Do not blame them because you can't get on their level.

General Gameplay:

  • Jobs are a hard thing to add. Why? Because no one ever fucking plays them. We had the bus driver, but the only people who wanted to play it was CDM'ers, SuperSkreech, and Green Ranger.
  • We have the 4 hour "buffer" for people to get used to the server and to reduce the amount of minges. However, no one ever uses it like that and all new people do is complain about how they can't suck their own wang or something.
  • A lot of the entities on the server are client sided. Sorry to say, but if you lag, you have to make do with it. Lag is commonplace, and you don't need have to have a 1337 Ub3r PC to be good at PERP.
  • I personally think the map looks fine. You might think that it looks like a piece of shit or a place for the commies, but it looks normal to me.
  • "HG rewards" probably will not happen. You might have signed up, applied, etc. but I'm going to have to say that the general population of our server will not make an account unless they have to post an ban/abuse report.

Edited by Plaayer
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  • Give 1st time players something to do. Everyday, people ask what they can do, and they always show the same disappointment at having to mess around for 4 hours before they can do something, or they are told to run for Mayor, oh wait, didn't have enough cash to advertise and another player who has a bunch of mates and has been playing for a year just got the job. Or they are told to grow. Problem with this is that it's gonna be hard for them to constantly get guns/ammo, then grow solo. When they ask what to do to stop being raided, they are told to join an org. Lets face it, no org apart from Blessing, Limitless and Boondocks remotely stand a chance of defending an apartment or suburb house. Add a job that doesn't require a car, yet gives them something to do. A doctor or something, someone who walks around and heals people for small amounts of cash.
  • Remove Org barriers. This is something to test out. The Major orgs run the show. Most of the members are people who can play most of the day, have gaming computers (little to no lag) and have cash to spend at will. Encourage bigger orgs that accept fresh faces. Give Orgs rewards for members, or have an org bank or something.
  • Give HG rewards. One of the goals of GMOD division is to recruit people. Give people cash, a gene, a car....something for joining/signing up to HG or making an account with hellsgamers.com. This will encourage people to get more involved. It shouldnt be that I am seeing people who have been playing perp since I joined to only create an account yesterday.
  • Give out more cash. w/o a major org to encourage you, and w/o cash to buy Gold, it can be hard to buy stuff. Admittedly, I throw my cash around a little too much. But it shouldn't be that for 7 months of perp, I have an 80k car, can't make shotguns and struggle along with a max of 20k in the bank when Im not specifically saving up. Conkers held a race today and gave out a total of 500k. This was a major success, however it was Inc who won 400k, and another audi that won 100k. Both of which are unavailable to a normal player; nobody else stood a chance. BUT PEOPLE LOVED IT. The whole server went totally quite. Those w/o cars made an obsticle or watched as cars crashed and flipped out into massive 20 car pile ups.
  • Don't encourage conflict between players. Grudges don't make the game fun. The Lite RP is too serious. Encourage people to laugh and have a good time, instead of constantly trying to rip each others throat's out. Lesson death time and cost.....
  • Role Play. Convert the MTL into a business. Different jobs do different stuff, a guy drives a Mule from one side of MTL to the other, unloads and goes back, depending on his time and how many, the more cash he gets. Nobody every buys MTL, it's too open, too hard to prop off, and there is no need for such a big space. Break it up into something people can do.....could tie this into the 1st item. Also Burger King could be a job. Open up the drive-in, make it rob-able, add jobs.
  • Make FUN jobs. W/o fire, fireman is boring, medic is probably the best job, cop and swat you die too much to make $. Add something that makes people laugh, and that people want to do.
  • Reduce Lag. I don't know enough about this to say anything helpful, and I know that anything easy to reduce it would have been made already. Lag scares people away, and makes the "elite" core a lot better than people like me. Find ways to tone it down, reduce a graphic here and there, remove unneeded enities and props such as door breecher and furniture.
  • Reduce connection time. Whenever I think about joining Perp, I usually decide against it because I want to do something, not wait for 10 mins to connect, then go back to trying to raise cash enough to buy some buckshot so I can raid with limitless to try and join it. Again, remove unneeded stuff and make a concerted effort.
  • Remove the "I don't give a shit" attitude. Make em give a shit. People like *Lunar ---* (Not saying names) should be handled with. The constant need to call people noobs makes the whole atmosphere depressing.
  • Lighten up the map. Whenever someone looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, they always mention that the map looks so depressing. Apartments and industry majorly. Bland colours and small spaces combined with small amounts of lag makes you feel like you're in a communist state or something.
  • Make it a community. Jailbreak is cool cause people make jokes, are friendly and generally look forward to hanging out with each other. There is a sense of this in Perp, but only within an org.
  • Admins be friendly. Half the time when I PM someone they wont respond. I saw an admin slay someone when they were walking away from the fight, cussing them out. All they did was ask em to remove their weapon, and once told that he shouldn't do that walked away. Instead of slaying, point out he had an awesome Auzzie accent and make the rules clear to em. The server should be a priority, "Doing admin stuff" is said too much, sorry. Admins should try to get people to stay, not trying to make people leave.
  • Add more admins. I know we just added more, but with the demo's down, when no admin are on crazy thinks happen. Need more admins....

I understand some of these would be extremely hard to do. Some of them would require real world $ investments. You guys have done a great job and I'm not denying that, I'm suggesting some stuff to maybe try out or discuss. I realize I have not said ways to fix some of the stuff, and that's cause I don't know how far we are willing to go, and can't think of a solution that isnt totally outrageous.


Feel free to tell me where I'm wrong, tell me where I'm right (XD) and propose ideas. I understand most of these are outrageous, but we need to do something to make GMOD better in the Hellsgamers community.

Responses in order:

  • Problem with doing this is that there's already jobs for a lot of things that you could think of, apart from what Suicide stated as being the bus driver job. The first four hours suck but I spent that time and would spend that time again trying to learn how the game works and see what I can do once I get myself situated. It's not that hard to join an organization and I know there's plenty of nice people that would be willing to take a newbie into their organization and help them learn the ropes of the game.
  • If I'm reading your' post correctly, you're stating that bigger organizations should be encouraged? I'm very much against having a select few major organizations that run the show simply because this makes it a lot harder to have other people to raid. When you have three organizations that run everything there isn't encouragement for new organizations and it makes it hard to find raids because they're always allied with each other. I believe that things are fine as it is right now.
  • In the end, most people are going to join get the free car and forget they ever made the account. Joining HG to be honest really doesn't offer benefits to begin with and this probably wont encourage people to want to join and suddenly become all about HG.
  • To be honest, with the Ford Focus being available to regular players you're not totally out of the race just because you don't own an Audi. The Ford Focus is inevitably one of the best cars in the game and an experienced driver could easily beat someone with the Focus even if the other player has an Audi or something to that nature. Most cars aren't meant for racing and most cars are extremely hard to drive if you're trying to race, most of them are good for drifting. I would admit that it's quite difficult to acquire money but being careful with what you buy, growing when possible, and doing extra random jobs to make money can net you a lot of money.
  • Could you elaborate on said conflicts?
  • Seems like a lot of useless jobs.
  • Seems more relevant to one persons tastes. I think there's a general consensus among people that the police officer job is the most enjoyable job to do. I do however agree that these jobs are fairly boring at times because they're almost always the same and don't offer versatility.
  • As states by Kigen and other staff members that work on the Perp server, the lag is mainly due to bad coding that hasn't been fixed. To be honest it probably wont get fixed since there's only a select few that work on the Perp server and it's hard to get good coders to work on stuff such as the Perp server without paying them for their work. Kigen does receive commission for his work but he does have a life and it takes a long time to code stuff.
  • I don't really know why it takes a long time to connect to the server, so I can't comment.
  • Could you elaborate?
  • I'd agree to some extent.
  • That's an opinion. I'd argue that Jailbreak breaks out the absolute worst of the community and gives nobody a good interaction. There's plenty of nice people in Perp without having to be in an organization. I was playing around on the server and hung out with Plaayer, a few times. We weren't even friends and I'd never talked to him or anything.
  • Direct it to someone in leadership with solid proof of the incident happening. I haven't specifically seen this but I think the current moderators and admins do a fine job at what they do and I haven't been able to witness any incidents from any of them that would imply they're being bad at their job. If this incident is happening then I might recommend that you could even talk to the admin or moderator and see if you understood what happened and ask them to justify themselves.

I know I haven't been on Perp in a while, but I'm trying to get back into it and I felt like responding because I was bored.
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I laughed so hard at that Player XD Thankyou.....


Thanks for all the opinions. I would talk about it, but I really can't be bothered to specifically talk/agree/disagree with your opinions.


Sometimes there is stuff admins can't do. I understand this. But this thread isn't just for admins.


Player, go to sleep.


Also, as I have gathered, Perp used to be on a different map. If someone could clarify to me, do we run Perp mod and maintain it or do we just use someone else's mod? If it is our own to edit as we please, I wouldn't mind having a crack at downloading the necessary software and seeing what I can mess around with to come up on my own, then show you guys it. This way I can see what is plausible map wise without nagging you guys with it and without causing the server any harm.

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Give 1st time players something to do. Everyday, people ask what they can do, and they always show the same disappointment at having to mess around for 4 hours before they can do something, or they are told to run for Mayor, oh wait, didn't have enough cash to advertise and another player who has a bunch of mates and has been playing for a year just got the job. Or they are told to grow. Problem with this is that it's gonna be hard for them to constantly get guns/ammo, then grow solo. When they ask what to do to stop being raided, they are told to join an org. Lets face it, no org apart from Blessing, Limitless and Boondocks remotely stand a chance of defending an apartment or suburb house. Add a job that doesn't require a car, yet gives them something to do. A doctor or something, someone who walks around and heals people for small amounts of cash.


The problem is, any job can be easily abused, regardless. Essentially, some minge can join up and abuse some job, whatever we make it.


Remove Org barriers. This is something to test out. The Major orgs run the show. Most of the members are people who can play most of the day, have gaming computers (little to no lag) and have cash to spend at will. Encourage bigger orgs that accept fresh faces. Give Orgs rewards for members, or have an org bank or something.

I like it. The problem with orgs that don't accept anyone is that then people who are new to the server don't feel welcome, they go to another server, we lose potential new members.


Give HG rewards. One of the goals of GMOD division is to recruit people. Give people cash, a gene, a car....something for joining/signing up to HG or making an account with hellsgamers.com. This will encourage people to get more involved. It shouldnt be that I am seeing people who have been playing perp since I joined to only create an account yesterday.


Would be hard to regulate and could be abused.


Give out more cash. w/o a major org to encourage you, and w/o cash to buy Gold, it can be hard to buy stuff. Admittedly, I throw my cash around a little too much. But it shouldn't be that for 7 months of perp, I have an 80k car, can't make shotguns and struggle along with a max of 20k in the bank when Im not specifically saving up. Conkers held a race today and gave out a total of 500k. This was a major success, however it was Inc who won 400k, and another audi that won 100k. Both of which are unavailable to a normal player; nobody else stood a chance. BUT PEOPLE LOVED IT. The whole server went totally quite. Those w/o cars made an obsticle or watched as cars crashed and flipped out into massive 20 car pile ups.


My input is that there should be a lottery you can register for at the AmPm and at the nexus. Winner gets like 5k, tickets cost 500.


Don't encourage conflict between players. Grudges don't make the game fun. The Lite RP is too serious. Encourage people to laugh and have a good time, instead of constantly trying to rip each others throat's out. Lesson death time and cost.....

+1 on lessening death time. My opinion is that you should have options. Right click to respawn instantly but pay 2k. No click=wait for medic.

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Role Play. Convert the MTL into a business. Different jobs do different stuff, a guy drives a Mule from one side of MTL to the other, unloads and goes back, depending on his time and how many, the more cash he gets. Nobody every buys MTL, it's too open, too hard to prop off, and there is no need for such a big space. Break it up into something people can do.....could tie this into the 1st item. Also Burger King could be a job. Open up the drive-in, make it rob-able, add jobs.

This used to be where you could get the bus driver job. But they phased it in like May because there were lots of deaths.


Make FUN jobs. W/o fire, fireman is boring, medic is probably the best job, cop and swat you die too much to make $. Add something that makes people laugh, and that people want to do.



Reduce Lag. I don't know enough about this to say anything helpful, and I know that anything easy to reduce it would have been made already. Lag scares people away, and makes the "elite" core a lot better than people like me. Find ways to tone it down, reduce a graphic here and there, remove unneeded enities and props such as door breecher and furniture.


This is not possible, if you want perp, you need a good graphics card. I played perp for 5-6 months on a computer with integrated graphics until I got my computer finished on the 28th. I had to suck my complains about lag in because you don't need to play perp. This pisses me off when people say this. Go bitch about it to a custom computer maker or newegg. (no offense lol) (Also, lag refers to connection issues.)


Reduce connection time. Whenever I think about joining Perp, I usually decide against it because I want to do something, not wait for 10 mins to connect, then go back to trying to raise cash enough to buy some buckshot so I can raid with limitless to try and join it. Again, remove unneeded stuff and make a concerted effort.


Low ping has nothing to do with HG. HG cannot buy a server for everywhere someone plays.


Remove the "I don't give a shit" attitude. Make em give a shit. People like *Lunar ---* (Not saying names) should be handled with. The constant need to call people noobs makes the whole atmosphere depressing.


I agree, there needs to be a crackdown on trolling new players. This drives people away and causes a less friendly environment.


Lighten up the map. Whenever someone looks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing, they always mention that the map looks so depressing. Apartments and industry majorly. Bland colours and small spaces combined with small amounts of lag makes you feel like you're in a communist state or something.


Loled at this one. PERP is kind of supposed to be a depressing environment. Think about it. It's a city of crime. Everyone's raiding and killing each other. I just think flashlights should be enabled again.


Make it a community. Jailbreak is cool cause people make jokes, are friendly and generally look forward to hanging out with each other. There is a sense of this in Perp, but only within an org.


Agreed. I was hosting a concert yesterday in perp and then Prime said I couldn't do it because it was mic spam. Made it odd because as long as its not during an order in jb, you can sing or talk or whatever.



Admins be friendly. Half the time when I PM someone they wont respond. I saw an admin slay someone when they were walking away from the fight, cussing them out. All they did was ask em to remove their weapon, and once told that he shouldn't do that walked away. Instead of slaying, point out he had an awesome Auzzie accent and make the rules clear to em. The server should be a priority, "Doing admin stuff" is said too much, sorry. Admins should try to get people to stay, not trying to make people leave.


Talk to a dL or if it's a dL, talk to µM about it. Don't forget to talk to the admin about it first. I've pissed 2-3 people off by doing that and that ruined my relationship with them within the clan. But I do agree, admins and mods, you are the representatives to the community. People will think "Wow, these admins are idiots", and they will associate them with the entire clan, losing potential members.


Add more admins. I know we just added more, but with the demo's down, when no admin are on crazy thinks happen. Need more admins....


Talk to Rizon (I think he's in charge of the perp mod stuff.)

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