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Restricting Access To Ct For New Jb Players


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Is it worth the time to setup a system where someone who is new to Jailbreak is forced to play T until they've reached either "x" amount of rep or "x" amount of time playing T? The "x" factor could be minimal but enough to give the new player a chance to play T for a few rounds and understand how the game is played.


The MOTD is good but doubtful that most new users read it. There are also a significant amount of unwritten rules which a player learns after spending some time on the server.


FWIW, I don't think this is a huge issue but I know players go batshit crazy when a new-to-the-server CT ends up freekilling because they don't understand the flow of the game.

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Could be a perp-like system where after 2 hours someone can play as CT and after 4 they can lead.


Thanks for the helpful response - this is great.



inb4 "This disenfranchises 'new' players who have experience in other jailbreak servers."


I get this and understand how this could tick off someone who has played JB in other communities.

Edited by sirius
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inb4 "This thread again."


inb4 "It has been suggested before and rejected every time."


inb4 "This disenfranchises 'new' players who have experience in other jailbreak servers."


inb4 bunbun LR is breaking jailbreak again.



I still can not fucking believe people continue to post this thread every 2 weeks.




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