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Low Fps In Counter Strike


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I recently made a thread about how my fps was terribly low all of a sudden when playing css/csgo.

I thought it was fixed and so I closed it straight away, but turns out it wasn't fixed at all.


Here's the situation.

A few weeks ago I installed a pink steam skin right before logging off. when I logged back on I pugged csgo for the second time ever. my fps there was terrible, about 10-15. I was sad so I was like "yaknowhat, back to css". Normally, on css, I always have over 100, no matter what map I'm on, and usually I am about 200 fps.

When I went playing there, my fps was just as shitty as my csgo fps..


Here's what I've tried so far to fix it:

-uninstalled the steam skin

-uninstalled csgo

-updated my graphics card drivers (clean install)

-reinstalled steam

-removed all my css files and reinstalled css

-changed all my graphics settings to the lowest possible in cs:s

-disabled steam community overlay when in game

-putting my priority of hl2 to "high" in the ctrl+alt+del process options.(this seems to make my fps climb with about 20 sometimes, but sometimes I don't feel like it's working at all, so it might be just because I alt tabbed to change it)

-verified integrity of game cache

- put cl_disablehtmlmotd 1, -dxlevel 8

-have an autoexec which seems to be helping about 80 % of the time now (thanks clint :3)

-changed power management mode in Nvidia 3D settings from adaptive to maximum performance

-changed laptop power changing mode to best performance (seems to have fixed problem for now)


Interesting things that make it even harder for me to understand why it isn't working in css:

- sometimes when I tab out and back in it either drops terribly or climbs like mad. so when I'm playing with about 30fps and I tab out, it will sometimes slowly start climbing to 90-100, but sometimes when I have like 200 fps and I tab out to read a message on steam/a poke/anything out of game, or I just shift tab to go to my steam community overlay, it'll drop to like 10-30.

-When I play cod mw3, I don't have any lag whatsoever, idc how to check my fps in that game but it never stutters at all (only sometimes when my internet is shitting on itself)

-sometimes I have just really high fps in game, randomly, like 100+ or even 200+

- I don't have any problems running any other games

-sometimes when I close youtube in the background it'll fix it, sometimes I can play youtube playlists in the background and have perfectly fine fps. sometimes when I don't have anything running in the background, the fps is still terrible.

-on deathmatches my fps is the worst. on 10man servers it's pretty shitty too. Usually on esea servers it's way higher, most of the time it's over 100 there, but sometimes it's around 30-40 there too (especially on maps like inferno)

- antialiasing, multicore rendering, waiting for vertical sync, bloom effect,... = all disabled

-multicore rendering back on, kept vertical sync off cause I read it can make your fps drop


Other info you might want/need

-I have a Nvidia GeForce 315M graphics card in my Toshiba laptop

-My processor is a Intel® Core™ i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz

-I have 6GB RAM

-my laptop is a year and a half old (bought in july 2011)

-I constantly have a cooler running underneath my laptop to not burn shit :3


If there's any other info you need just post on here but I might need help to find it cause I'm a complete computer noob.. :3


So yeah anything that I haven't tried yet that you think might help, please post, I will love you forever if you can fix my problem/have me fix my problem without having to buy a new computer :3


<3 Kimzy


Edits (things I tried after I made this thread) are in red.

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First thing I would do is scan your computer for malware. You said that right after installing that skin your fps suddenly dropped so based off this there's definitely a chance malware is on your computer. I'd also check what programs you are running because if your fps is that low something is eating up your cpu power.

Edited by Mèrcury
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First thing I would do is scan your computer for malware. You said that right after installing that skin your fps suddenly dropped so based off this there's definitely a chance malware is on your computer. I'd also check what programs you are running because if your fps is that low something is eating up your cpu power.


I'm running a complete scan right now, seeing as both you and vetman suggested to do that :)

the programs running in the background are only the programs that are always running, and always were before I had this sudden fps drop.. even when I close everything it sometimes does or does not work, it's just random to me.. closing skype/youtube/windows media player/fraps/... doesn't do anything for my fps :(

But yeah I hope the complete scan finds something

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I do think we should try a different path of diagnosis.


First, download GPU-Z and get logging running



Then Launch it (should look like this):



Go to the second tab "Sensors" and tick on "Log to file"



You can save it in its default folder "Documents", just take note of where you save it so you can go back to it:




Then start Counter-Strike Source and go about your play session.


Once you're done your play session, go back to GPU-Z and disable it. You can do this by unticking "Log to File".


Dump the contents of the file as a reply. Take notes when you were alt-tabbing out and when you alt-tabbed in if possible (like you would with a demo). This logs down to the second so the more precision we can get.... the better.


Date , GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C] , Fan Speed (%) [%] , Fan Speed (RPM) [RPM] , Memory Used [MB] , GPU Load [%] , Memory Controller Load [%] , Video Engine Load [%] , Power Consumption [% TDP] , VDDC [V] ,


2012-12-27 05:03:55 , 324.0 , 162.0 , 33.0 , 30 , 1050 , 190 , 10 , 10 , 0 , 10.7 , 0.9870 ,





Now onto some probable reasons, memory leaking is usually the problem with applications when you're alt-tabbing out because of how Windows deals with "background" and "foreground" applications. When you alt-tab, Windows will attempt to treat it like a "background" application (and most cases, applications don't bitch when they become background applications; however... as you will soon know, some will complain... badly), this means in terms of CPU, GPU and memory allocation; the playfield changes as soon as you alt-tab out.


I would suggest checking your power settings for your GPU as well.

Start -> Control Panel -> under "View By" change it to "Small icons" -> Nvidia Control Panel

Select Manage 3D Settings and find "Power Management mode": what mode is it in?

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what does it do?


It makes it so your processor uses 2 cores to render frames. (Im pretty sure source will only use two cores regardless of how many you have however).

Basically, if it's disabled its rendering half as much.


You could also try capping your fps to something lower, but not to where you will notice any difference if it were higher ex: 60


And finally if all else fails I'd get a FPS config. I used one on my laptop. It only helped boosting it about 10 frames or so, but it helped significantly since I got awful fps. Note: the one I installed removed sprays and since i had steam cloud enabled that setting transferred to my desktop once I bought it. I still cant figure out how to re-enable them but it doesn't bother me not having them

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Do you have your config installed? If so check and see if thats the same config thats running on the steam cloud. I've been having so many problems with the cloud as it wont save my config, and i have to set my interp and ratios each time i start css :\


Other than that i can only suggest enable multicore rendering and vertical sync. Hopefully enigma can come up with something :3

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check ur printer cables


I tried it, tried turning it off and on again too, didn't work :(




I do think we should try a different path of diagnosis.


First, download GPU-Z and get logging running



Then Launch it (should look like this):



Go to the second tab "Sensors" and tick on "Log to file"



You can save it in its default folder "Documents", just take note of where you save it so you can go back to it:




Then start Counter-Strike Source and go about your play session.


Once you're done your play session, go back to GPU-Z and disable it. You can do this by unticking "Log to File".


Dump the contents of the file as a reply. Take notes when you were alt-tabbing out and when you alt-tabbed in if possible (like you would with a demo). This logs down to the second so the more precision we can get.... the better.


Date , GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C] , Fan Speed (%) [%] , Fan Speed (RPM) [RPM] , Memory Used [MB] , GPU Load [%] , Memory Controller Load [%] , Video Engine Load [%] , Power Consumption [% TDP] , VDDC [V] ,


2012-12-27 05:03:55 , 324.0 , 162.0 , 33.0 , 30 , 1050 , 190 , 10 , 10 , 0 , 10.7 , 0.9870 ,





Now onto some probable reasons, memory leaking is usually the problem with applications when you're alt-tabbing out because of how Windows deals with "background" and "foreground" applications. When you alt-tab, Windows will attempt to treat it like a "background" application (and most cases, applications don't bitch when they become background applications; however... as you will soon know, some will complain... badly), this means in terms of CPU, GPU and memory allocation; the playfield changes as soon as you alt-tab out.


I would suggest checking your power settings for your GPU as well.

Start -> Control Panel -> under "View By" change it to "Small icons" -> Nvidia Control Panel

Select Manage 3D Settings and find "Power Management mode": what mode is it in?




in between 30 and 33 (mins) I tabbed a few times, and it didnt really change anything until about 32-33 my fps would drop to 30 at some point, but not for long, it went back up and would drop to around 60 every now and then, then climb back up till about 100

In the first minutes I tried shift tabbing and alt tabbing a few times, opening youtube, connecting to ts while tabbed etc, but my fps stayed pretty nice. Looks like my computer is one happy baby today so I'll save to logs again next time when it acts up, if this doesn't show you enough :)


for my 3D settings I screenshot them for you, it's in dutch but I can translate whatever you need translated :P



clint put a config in for me so that might be why it's working better now but it doesnt work all the time, just most of the time now



Fps_max but you'll notice..

I was told they changed things so that capping your fpsmax doesn't help anymore

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