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Unban Request


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steam id: STEAM_0:0:41332415

banned from: hg perp server

reason: prop blocking bank


"Its been decided by a consensus that you will not be unbanned. Exploiting is at the same level as hacking and you exploited the prop to block one of the most imporant parts of the map instead of telling someone in a nondestructive manner. Not unbanned." -@Mark


the way you say this makes it sound like i made it impossible to get into the bank... it wasn't impossible if i got killed by someone who came in and killed me. and i wasnt doing it to hurt the server, i was doing it to help. if you dont agree with me i can understand, but if you think about it, i really did help the server because now nobody else can do that anymore because you removed the prop... also you said i didnt try to tell anyone about this, which is incorrect. I used the /report command ingame multiple times to try and report this problem but nobody would listen so i had to go to extremes to get your attention. i didnt mean any harm to the server by doing this and i hope you understand and unban me... please

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