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Thresh, The Chain Warden- First Impressions


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So I just played with a Thresh support as I played ADC Ezreal. This is my impression and first experence with him:

Early game:

We dominated because we were capable of harrassing MF and Taric with our increadable range. As long as I was capable of last hitting and clearing creep waves, Thresh was able to grow stronger and losing the need to head back except for the occasional wards. But as the adc, if you get hit hard, or run out of mana, don't expect Thresh to be able to do anything about that. His only sustain move is his W (lantern) which gives a decent shield. I found it awkward to use the lantern because during the heat of a battle, you might not notice the little lantern offering help. As the support/tank thresh would normally be infront of the ADC losing the advantage of using the lanterns pull as it only pulls champions to him, not away. So unless you get ganked and Thresh manages to runaway, do not rely on the lantern. If you are mana hungry champion, you might have to stock up on plenty of mana pots or hope Thresh is willing to give up a exhaust for a clarity.

Mid Game:

Laning phase was over by now, I wouldn't say Thresh carried the team, but he supported the team like hell. With his Q and W on rather short cooldown he stood back as he let the offtank (Olaf) take the damage. His lantern was able to quickly save anyone who was getting focused (usually me) and his Q showed its true potental. When compaired with Blitzcrank, Blitzcrank has the fear of accidently pulling the wrong champ like an Amumu with his ulti up, or accidently pulling an off tank close to the team adc. But Thresh doesnt have to fear this. If he hits someone who isn't the adc with his Q, he can pull them away from a team fight, causing the enemy team to lose their tank or support. It effectivly causes a losing 5v5 team fight into a 4v5 where you have a greater chance. Champions caught in the Q can't flash away or cast spells (I think) so they are pretty much useless in the 1.5 seconds they are captured. His E (flay) isnt really that great. It's range and damage isn't all that great. If he wants to pull champions in, he has to face backwards which makes it really awakward for him. If he faces foward, it could push champions away to safety, so it's not realy the best move.

Late Game:

Now we are doing teamfights in the jungle, trying to get that ace so we can push to win. Thresh continues to support the team in the best way possible. As long as the jungle was warded, we had a clear view of where the enemy champs were. Thresh was capable of Qing the adc through walls, pulling him closer to use, then ulting, causing them to have an extremely small window of escape. This causes the other team with a ultimatum, attempt to save the ADC but get caught into Thresh's ulti with little chance to escape, or run away and base while we take the baron. They chose run away so we had a clear window to get baron. At this point it was game as we pushed to win. Thresh's Q continues to amaze me as he can hit other champs, then pull them away from a team fight, causing the enemy to lose their tank or damage. His W saves us when one makes a rather dumb desision, and his ulti either prevents enemys to runaway, or can initate a team fight. His E didn't show much use so IDK. But with this Thresh support, and fed ADC from early game, we were able to win 30/13


He was really nice with his Q and W early game. As long as i kept his soul count high, he could harrass and scare the living shit out of MF with his Q. His W was able to save me when i used EZ's teleport to tower dive. His E was kind of useless. His ulti could initate a team fight, or help your team escape. He's really good at any time of the game, and doesn't really need to be fed to be effective. He's an overall a well champ


He has no sustain moves besides lantern so if ur a mana hungry champ like corki, expect to go back alot. If you get harrassed too much by like a babysitting jungler, he might be unable to collect souls causing him to be unable to take hits too well. Alot like blitzcrank, you might get set backed as you wait for his Q to latch on to something useful. During teamfights, his lantern can only save one life, so usually if you lose a teamfight, don't expect him to be able to save everyone, just the one who clicks first. The outcome of the game really depends on the ablity of the Sup and ADC to work together.


Now this is just my first impression on him, but hes an extremly viable champion. His Q is pratacly Skarner's ulti on a short cooldown. His lantern can save a life unless a troll teammate clicks on every lantern he drops, and his R is a weaker version of Amumu's ulti. I think he's another champ to be banned on S3 ranked now. 4 out of 5 stars.

If theres something you disagree with what I think, please reply :D


*note* He doesn't have any jungle potental. His auto attacks are weak and slow so he cant clear jungle effectivly. He can't take advantage of his passive as i'm not sure if monsters give out souls. Early game is extremely high cooldowns so unless someone is willing to hardleash for him all the way to lvl 5, he should stay support.

Edited by InstantNoodles!
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Not reading until it's legible.


this....Why would you change the font to something HARDER to read...


Not only that, but it would be nice to get a first impression from someone who played thresh. An essay length first impression as someone who didnt even play the champ. Wut.

Edited by AnonyHorse
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confused with his e being "worthless". Its a potent slow with the added bonus of being a miniature gap closer or a miniature gap extender (MY ENGLISH GUD).

In addition, the slow allows his PAINFULLY SLOW windup hook to become somewhat easier to land (i'm sure you all have noticed how PAINFULLY LONG his windup on his Q is.)


after messing around with thresh in customs/bots heres my opinion: strong.


Range and utility of his Q combined with the active on his W can make for some pretty strong ganks. Combine this with his ult post 6 and if your jungle ganks you and your carry should be able to walk out with 2 kills.


If you rank up his Q first you are getting some pretty strong poke every few seconds that literally all you have to do is walk up to their support/ADC and smack them with your ENHANCED DAMAGE (ill be running some AD reds on thresh when my internet finally settles down)


The fact that you can leap to his lantern (kat/lee/jax are the first 3 to come to mind) AND THEN STILL ACTIVATE IT makes it incredibly strong, regardless of the fact that it also gives you a pretty decent shield.


The potential of his E is really good. A slow + knockback/pull thats on a relatively short range doesn't sound that great. However couple this with the fact that you can get right in someone's grill with your Q (similar to leona's E or amumu's Q) then knock them around and then BOX them. Thresh can be quite scary and can make initiating on an enemy ADC bot lane difficult.


The Box is strong. 99% slow that doesn't really decay that quickly and deals decent damage? yes the range is small, reminds me of akali's shroud distance, and you don't actually get a targetting thing to place it but with your Q's second active you shouldn't need to worry about getting close to people for the box.


However, thresh does have his weak points. First that comes to mind is he needs souls. If he doesn't get souls he won't get as tanky as he needs be. Now i'm not saying that getting souls is impossible, just saying that if he just walks out into the middle of the lane to get souls, you need to punish him for it. If he uses his lantern to get the souls you need to take advantage of its longish cooldown (somewhere near 20 seconds at early ranks iirc) and either hop on him or his ADC. Next are thresh's Long cooldowns. I believe at rank 1's his Q is somewhere around 18 seconds, his W somewhere around 20, his E somewhere around 9, and his ult somewhere around 150 (2.5 minutes). Much like the crank, if he misses one of his abilities you need to punish him or his carry for it.


tl;dr: thresh has a lot of utility and is a strong support, but like every other support has his downsides.



Edited by BluHorse
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