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My New Computer


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If you're going to post, actually do the entire build. He obviously doesn't know what to do so he needs help. Mcwillz build is good to go


  On 1/28/2013 at 12:29 AM, The Mafia said:

GPU - GTX 660 ti

CPU - Intel i5-3570k

Case - You decide (I use NZXT Phantom 410)

PSU - Corsair CX600


For cooling I recommend the Corsair H100i

  On 1/28/2013 at 12:58 AM, mcwillzz said:





Total: $946.91


$55 in mail-in rebates: $896.91

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  On 1/28/2013 at 2:05 AM, mcwillzz said:

I can put together another build if you want, but I wouldn't really recommend anything AMD.... maybe an older Phenom II but not an FX series processor


Why not? My build runs amazingly with an fx 6 core @ stock speeds.

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  On 1/28/2013 at 2:05 AM, mcwillzz said:

I can put together another build if you want, but I wouldn't really recommend anything AMD.... maybe an older Phenom II but not an FX series processor

FX runs perfectly fine, I have a 6300 overclocked at 4.3, with a 7870, getting perfect fps in source, along with Gmod, Hitman, CS:GO, and Assassin's creed 3..

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  On 1/28/2013 at 2:39 AM, youthedog said:

FX runs perfectly fine, I have a 6300 overclocked at 4.3, with a 7870, getting perfect fps in source, along with Gmod, Hitman, CS:GO, and Assassin's creed 3..


Just based on benchmarks and what I saw when the FX series came out, core-per-core Ivy Bridge CPU's will obliterate them.

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Intel will always blow an amd out of the water with benchmarks. AMD is a budget builders dream, but based on your budget italk an intel chip is a much better choice for gaming.


AMD will run fine, but if you are looking for the best performance then intel is the only choice. I used to love amd, but since the bulldozer release they've just been pushing out let down after let down.

Edited by AnonyHorse
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  On 1/28/2013 at 1:38 AM, Grease Lightning said:



AMD's newest, fastest 8 core


Never ever get a Bulldozer. That is AMD's newest, but it isn't their fastest, their fastest is the Phenom II processers. If I were you I would go with a i5-2500k or i5-3570k, if you have some extra room in your budget. If you don't a Phenom II x4 is a great second choice.

Edited by Wookiefister
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  On 1/28/2013 at 8:06 PM, Wookiefister said:



Never ever get a Bulldozer. That is AMD's newest, but it isn't their fastest, their fastest is the Phenom II processers. If I were you I would go with a i5-2500k or i5-3570k, if you have some extra room in your budget. If you don't a Phenom II x4 is a great second choice.


He said AMD.


Also, my 6 core FX 6200 (stock speeds) is incredibly fast. Faster than my Dads Phenom II computer with barely anything on it and the same RAM.

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Grease lightning that depends on what phenom II your dad has, a phenom II x2 could easily get outperformed by a FX series processor where as a phenom II x4 black edition could not be outperformed by any FX series processor. Also I said to stay away from bulldozer processors not FX processors the FX-8xxx processors are the bulldozers, the FX-6xxx, FX-4xxx, FX-3xxx, or FX-2xxx series processors are not.

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