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G-Nex Broke Need New Phone

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Hmm did some research today.

I am actually looking into the windows option haha.

I want to simplify without going to apple and the htc 8x looks amazing. Also verizon is offering me free 70 bucks for an upgrade and 50 for my phone trade in making the 8x to be about 20 bucks haha.

The other option at this point is the DNA (simply because i am a hardware lover) da four cores man. But the battery life on it is supposed to be terrible =/ and it looks like my old incredible (loved the incredible lasted me forever)

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  On 1/30/2013 at 7:19 AM, ExGBrian said:



S3 or iPhone 5

Reviews say otherwise

First gen androids sucked ass, but they got better.

Just getting kinda bored with ios and android haha. Feel like i need something knew in my life.

Fuck it. Getting a puppy.

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  On 1/30/2013 at 7:22 AM, BranHorse said:

Reviews say otherwise

First gen androids sucked ass, but they got better.

Just getting kinda bored with ios and android haha. Feel like i need something knew in my life.

Fuck it. Getting a puppy.


I had a windows phone, it utterly sucked. Their is no market for the apps, you will literally not find any of the apps you need that are easily accessible in ios or android. The phone organization techniques also suck, if you downloaded a app you have to go down a list of apps in alphabetical order, theirs no pages like ios or android. The phone might be fast hardware style but for the love of god do not get it because of the windows phone OS.


My parents both have the S3 and they love it, its easy and fast to use and they love the screen. I personally like the iPhone 5 for myself, I got a battery case for it but I almost never kill the battery unless I purposely go out of my way to try to kill the battery.


Edit: Also no google maps http://www.phonearena.com/news/Google-blocking-Windows-Phone-from-maps.google.com_id38302

Edited by ExGBrian
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My brother has an s3 and i see your point. The older windows phones were crap (like the andoids before the galaxys), but so many great reviews for these new devices.

And apps will be made haha. If it doesn't then developers are missing a decent size market.

I own a samsung phone and it died 3 weeks after the warranty was up. I find that to be a little to correct.

Don't need google maps got it in my car XD

And for the alphabetical order stuff. If you watch the new reviews/look it up you will find that this is no longer a problem.

Point is i currently own a android phone that does everything the s3 does. I just isn't new haha. Battery life isn't much better and the os isnt different. I am bored with it. Getting a puppy.

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Honestly just looking at the metro ui makes me cringe. On phones its just way too small especially on a screen like the 8x has. I dont think its worth it compared to even the One x, i choose the GS3. Also, i call BS on the fact your phone does everything the gs3 does. The fact that it knows when you're looking at it and not to dim the screen sold me on it.


That and the interface options that android has over the windows os, i'll still be with android for a few years anyway.

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Tomorrow i will be making the purchase and ill test all 3 of them out and see. Also i usually test everything and if it doesnt compare to my gnex then i will return it. Also i will return it if there is litterally no difference between it. I have used a gs3 and know theres not much difference except for gimmikie stuff.

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got this


Still getting used to it. Has so many little features i love. The main thing (only had it for 1 hour) is the word scrolling ability. It always puts the cursor above your finger so you can see exactly where its going.

It looks amazing. Fast as fuck. Got a 71 dollar trade in for my gnex and also had 50 bucks towards a upgrade so 150-120=I saved a fuckload of money.

Now for the haters


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