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Some Community You Have Here...


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I'm not sure what I'm more surprised about, the egotistical moderators/admins you have around here, or the amount of people that actually put up with it.


In under two days (3 hours of game time), I've been "admin slayed" 9 times. Once for reporting a crime, once for punchwhoring, once for allegedly calling a mod a "fa****" (but the guy that I allegedly called a "fa****", said I called him an "ass hole"...), once for respawning with an admin/mod present, once for punchwhoring again, once for running a guy over that wouldn't stop punchwhoring me, and once for asking the admin in "OOC" to refund me the money for one of my previous admin deaths (because I was lagging with a medpack in my hands, and he said I was punchwhoring), and then when I respawned, he ran me over...


Ohh yeah... [For Mark (he needs it)] *** NUMBER 9 *** I almost forgot, the last one was because I said this: "You know whats worse than an asshole? an ass hole with any amount of power."


Don't take my (tainted) word for it... Check the log.




He banned me for Abusing OOC (which is Out of Character)... My character didn't say that, that was me... "Out of CHARACTER"...


Here's some other great reading material. Enjoy.






This reminds me of some WoW communities, but much worse.


Also, I didn't write this in the admin abuse, because it's not like guys running this would rectify or resolve the situation anyways.




Edited by l33t98
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First: Thats 8 slays not 9, nice work.

Second: Your statement about the worst community didn't even make sense...

Lastly: Usually when the entire server is against you, you're wrong. You were in the wrong every time I saw you get slayed, and you were in the wrong when I banned you for running away from me while I punish you.

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There, I edited it.... Just for you, my man...


Apparently, you don't know how to view attached pictures. Anyways, click on the one that has the console screen, and read the highlighted text.. Brace yourself, you may become enlightened.


I am positive that my sentence about WoW couldn't be any more lucid and grammatically correct, try giving it another read, with your eyes open this time.


Also, I did a little bit of research for you Mark, here you will find a guide on how to adequately list your thoughts, numerically, keeping with the tradition of "proper English", of course.




Read it... but most importantly, enjoy. You should really apply yourself, Mark. As much as I hate to say it, I see great potential in you... Then again, I'm probably wrong about that too, eh?

Edited by l33t98
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Excuse me? This "stupid kid" served an enlistment in the US Navy, and has more of an education than your parents and their siblings combined. Go fuck yourself, "Division Leader".

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The screenshots in this post show you complaining in OOC about not getting your money back for when you were slayed for punchwhoring, and two others complaining about being slayed/demoted as well. I sat there and watched you punchwhore as well as CDM, Ill even upload the demo of you CDMing just because you went through the trouble in posting this. You were kicked for calling me an asshole with power. All of my actions were justified, and you shouldn't be blaming the community. Its not US that is causing you to get in trouble in the short amount of time you've been on the server, because if that was the case there would be multiple reports such as the ones you've created in the past couple of days. I don't try to come off as rude and I don't try to make the community seem bad, your actions are what cause your experience to be subpar.

Edited by Father Blessing
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This is the shit I'm referring to, CantBeFaded... You really shouldn't be granting children any amount of power in a

Can we just remove this guy from the forums already? Is he permanently banned or something? If not what's with all these crying threads

I love when we get some stupid kid on the forums who thinks he is the greatest thing to ever happen


This is the shit I'm referring to, CantBeFaded... You really shouldn't be granting children any amount of power in a community, when they aren't even old enough to tell themselves what to do. It's people like that, which this thread is directed at.


Blessing, you don't see how your actions of admin killing affect others. Even my roommate "Zaithe" told you via voice comms that my computer was lagging... Hell, he told me that I died, so I looked at his PC, and my character was laying on the ground dead. On my screen, I was STILL on the other side of the street chasing a cop with a medpack in my hand. Then you have the audacity to say that it's not the admin's fault... Hell, one of your fellow rogue admins is insulting me right here on the forums.


This hypocrisy is on par with Newt Gingrich.

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This guy is a clown, i rememeber when i first started playing on the server and made mistakes i would be frozen, talked to, then slain if i warranted it or did not listen. You obviously have no regard for the rules and do not care to play by them if you have to be corrected this many times. Oh, and about ur tour in the navy, congrat-u-fucking-lations from an active duty US Marine... that has nothing to do with anything here. Like someone stated earlier, if you don't like the server you don't have to play on it, and if u don't follow the rules you never will again.

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and once for asking the admin in "OOC" to refund me the money for one of my previous admin deaths (because I was lagging with a medpack in my hands, and he said I was punchwhoring), and then when I respawned, he ran me over...


Here you say I slayed you for asking for money in OOC, and that I ran you over? You were slayed for punchwhoring, and the next time I slayed you was for CDM. Why lie about it? I even have a demo of the event.


Blessing, you don't see how your actions of admin killing affect others. Even my roommate "Zaithe" told you via voice comms that my computer was lagging... Hell, he told me that I died, so I looked at his PC, and my character was laying on the ground dead. On my screen, I was STILL on the other side of the street chasing a cop with a medpack in my hand. Then you have the audacity to say that it's not the admin's fault... Hell, one of your fellow rogue admins is insulting me right here on the forums.


When I logged on the server you and Zaithe were surrounding a cop and you began to punch him, you were even talking to him with no sign of lag at all. Even if you did lag that does not give you the right to break rules. If you're trying to be productive and get actual responses from people, quit coming off so passive-aggressive.

Edited by Father Blessing
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Dude. It is just a perp server. For someone with an Enlistment to the navy and more education then everyone else here, you sure have the mindset of a 6 year old if you come on to the forums and rage at how the server sucks and how the admins suck and blah, blah, blah. If you are upset with the way things are going and how you have been treated then make an abuse report here ----->http://hellsgamers.c...-abuse-reports/ with PROOF[Proof being the most important part because with out proof, no one cares about any he says, she says](DEMOS, screenshots) of the situation and what happened and it will get handled. Once it has been reviewed and a decison has been made by a member of leadership(And trust me they are thorughly looked at) it is the final decision. Final meaning that their is no more bitching about it, what is done is done. Reading the MOTD about the server first would help resolve this situation. Their have been people with less ingame time then you who have been permd from perp and have not come here crying and raging about it. They either learn from it or move on.




OH and inb4 Monkey

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You're whining about being insulted when you threw the insults out first. You're obviously new to our community and have no idea how it operates. You were told the same thing in your two abuse reports but continue to post. Just accept the fact that you were in the wrong, and learn from the mistakes you made to avoid doing so next the next time your playing. I'm on my phone so I can't see how long you're banned for. If its only temporary I suggest you cool down, and wait it out. You're the one acting like the child here.

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This guy is a clown, i rememeber when i first started playing on the server and made mistakes i would be frozen, talked to, then slain if i warranted it or did not listen. You obviously have no regard for the rules and do not care to play by them if you have to be corrected this many times. Oh, and about ur tour in the navy, congrat-u-fucking-lations from an active duty US Marine... that has nothing to do with anything here. Like someone stated earlier, if you don't like the server you don't have to play on it, and if u don't follow the rules you never will again.

If it isn't such a big deal, then why the fuck is your profile name Sergeant? And more importantly, 7 years, and only E-5? Really?


The only reason I brought it up, was because some child with unfit parents insulted my intelligence.


If you read the list of admin kills, in order, you would realize that I was not in the wrong, from the start. Thanks for your two cents.

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(And trust me they are thorughly looked at)


These two threads were posted last night, and no, the admin that banned me in game, was coincidentally the same admin that closed the threads, further disabling me from make my case, and why I chose to take this route instead.


Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting dissimilar results.






Thanks for your assurance...

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You're whining about being insulted when you threw the insults out first.

Wrong, I don't ever recall asking for your opinion, or evening having knowledge of your existence prior to you commenting on my thread.


Furthermore, your message is irrelevant. I'm not complaining about the ban, just the ridiculous amount of admin-induced murders without a legitimate or completely rational thought process.


You don't need to respond anymore. I stopped reading after your self defense plea.

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Your egotistical rant about how GMOD admins are abusing pricks and assholes? okay then you tell me why your telling a fellow Div leader "fuck you"?


I served in the US NAVY only for four years but I don't sit here on the "internet" and assume I'm better than everyone else and treat everyone like shit.

Get off your high-horse and start following rules if your going to be on HG servers. Insult this community too when you have no back-history and experience here and you assume how "shitty" we are?

You don't even press "F1" and PERP and read the rules which link from the forums and then MAYBE you'd understand the how to play by our standards.

And you showing no respect to anyone is the reason you not getting it back.


How dare you....is I have to say. Have a nice ban.





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