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reviewed Watermelon Jackson Constant Admin Abuse

Huge Penis

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1. Abuser name:watermelon jackson

2. Their Steam Id:-

3. What server:jb

4. About what time:right now

5. PROOF:http://www.mediafire.com/?b7bhl5erlr3a9mj the demo

6. Please tell us about the incident: ticks in the demo cause there are many abuses

8900-unmutes himself from team mute

13500-unmutes himself b4 5:30

17000-abuses all chat with soemthing he can do in dead chat or pm

51000-to the end of the demo-he says he did the abuse for the lulz and he like asks admins to not say anything about what he did

he next round again unmutes himself b4 5:30

like u see constant admin abuse throughout the demo

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You also see proper player management, muting players who were annoying others, and you also see no one complaining NOR having a bad time.


Abuse refers to a mis-use of power, and if you feel that making everyone have a good time from 12 in the morning till 6, and especially since you had no problem with it at the time, IS AN ABUSE OF POWER, then I see this as a nice little surprise to my morning. I hold myself accountable for it all, and if there's a real problem with any of it then ok, I'll apologize and I learned a lesson, but from what I see, I see a bunch of rounds full of fun and lulz.


Also: I pay for admin/Gold to be able to unmute myself before the 30 seconds...you don't see me mic spamming, but if I had a joke to throw in conveniently, then lest I say it before the HLDJ commences. I just want to say congratulations, you're my first abuse report in two years of V.I.P/admining and you are an admin yourself. If it's illegal to unmoot yourself then someone throw me a bone on that one, I see it happen all the time and no stickies on the forum or the motd forbade me from doing such actions. Furthermore you'll see proper usage of the admin chat, alongside a couple of cheeky messages, I don't care for whatever happens, I just care for the abhorrid lack of fun these days around here.

And that's sad, that of course everything I did would be seen as an awesome night for you Huge Penis if I had been someone in leadership? Maybe someone who you've known for longer? And for the abuse of all chat that I could've used in PM, that was accidental. But needless to say, there's many more examples that weren't.


I bought this to have fun and honestly that's what I'm doing. I just think you're sad for this shit. I did it for the lulz and I stand by it, I'm tired of these "ab00se" chants whenever someone decides to actually use their privileges accordingly, and it's sadly always coming ONLY from the other admins. Do I detect a case of envy? People need to really re-evaluate how far they take it with this serious shit, this is a game and it should be treated as such, and the time that you're posting this is a testament to such. Jailbreak had less than a handful of people when I started playing at night, I knew most of them, and nobody (even the people I was disciplining) had any problems with me, in fact I felt like it was old JB and people were just joking around with me (even did "follow the leader day" bro)


Administration can be fun too, and as is the case in point in this demo, it shows no spamming or annoyance resulting from any of my actions, and in fact I found in said video that people seemed to be enjoying themselves. I could be wrong of course, care to chime in and tell me of someone who was in fact having a bad time? You can even see me t-lock a freekilling baiter, teamswitch people and call ratios, I even fucking did a mic check one round.


Also: I was in teamspeak (where were you? Rules say be in TS if playing) and in Jailbreak all night, why couldn't you come discuss this with me at anytime if you felt so strongly? Interesting.



Edited by Watermelon Jackson
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look if was in ts in the 10man server like i always am

and here is something i feel u dont know or dont want to follow

the fact that you payed for admin. does not make you a more important player that u can just skip through some of the things that are in the server

if bonbon set the time to speak on 5:30 he meant it for all players not only the ones who cant skip that by unmuting themselves

same goes for all chat. it is there for a reason and there are some rules we need to follow

ive seen you playing jump rope with those rules and i felt the need to report that to management b4 u do something that can get you banned

so yea that was my point on making this report

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1.look if was in ts in the 10man server like i always am

and here is something i feel u dont know or dont want to follow

2.the fact that you payed for admin. does not make you a more important player that u can just skip through some of the things that are in the server

3.if bonbon set the time to speak on 5:30 he meant it for all players not only the ones who cant skip that by unmuting themselves

4.same goes for all chat. it is there for a reason and there are some rules we need to follow

5.ive seen you playing jump rope with those rules and i felt the need to report that to management b4 u do something that can get you banned

6.so yea that was my point on making this report


1. That's funny, I hopped in a 10-man around the time of this report, and I couldn't find you in there? That's not a big deal really, but if you were there then that's all the more reason to come approach me.


2. Never said it did, and never said I was special. I'm just like the rest of you in privilege. It's not a question of special allowances, but what I can see clearly now is the envious motive behind your actions. What did I "skip over"? What part of MY JOB AS AN ADMIN, did I not fulfill? What freekiller did I let continue to CT? What spammer did I not mute? I don't know about you in specific, but I've seen many many people NOT do their jobs as a V.I.P or an admin, and lest I need to repeat myself, the demo will show that regardless of my harmless antics, I do my damn job with this shit. I had trusted V.I.P with admin chat before, I used it in the same manner before, you were there, you showed no care? Why the sudden and abrupt call to arms?


3. Ok, thats a good way at looking at it, and I can agree with it if I was told such, but since I heard nothing from any bible of adminship that I am NOT ALLOWED TO UNMUTE MYSELF, then I'm going with what I know. The rules may have changed since my last endeavor with admin powers, but if they have then they need to be reflected properly instead of being told to the criminal what he's doing is a crime, after the fact. And no, I don't believe it's wrong to unmute yourself anyways.


4. I used all chat effectively when I needed to, and the times I didn't can't truly be considered an "abuse" due to the setting of the server at the time, the time of the actions, and the lack of any spamming or real misuse of said powers. If I'm doing my job, I can have fun while doing it. Again I'll repeat, even the people I t-locked and muted enjoyed the late night antics, so I'm not seeing why you didn't?


5. Oh, so you've taken it upon yourself to judge that I'm at risk of doing something dumb? Congratulations, you've accurately described every human in the fuckin' world. You have a knife in your kitchen? Oh shit, better take that out from your house man, you have the ability to kill someone with that. You sound like a politician against gun control or some shit with that last one.

Thanks for your concern, but the fact of the matter remains: I've been doing this shit for upwards of three years now, in the same manner and fashion and I haven't changed who and how I am when I go on the server and decide to have fun. My shitty accents, terribly generic orders, and general inflation of ego while playing, are a testament to such, and while that in no way imparts on me the right nor ability to act in the way I do, I do it. Because this is a game. And furthermore I state that in those years and years of being on this server, I cannot recall a time that I have gotten called in for not knowing the rules or because of anything involving abuse or even down to freekilling.





My trusted V.I.P was proof of it, and even then I used to use @ chat all the time AND ON TOP OF THAT MY LAZER LETTERS. I encountered problems only from the likes of players such as yourself. New admins with alot to prove.


This is a game I was playing past midnight while only 1/6th of the maximum population of the server was online, in the presence of many veterans of the game, around OTHER ADMINS BESIDES EVEN YOURSELF, and on top of that...you never once scolded me or said anything to me (as should be your responsibility and course of action as the motd and forums solicit) concerning the situation, so why you so sad?



You know the only reason we have these many rules and regulations, down to the smallest detail for jailbreak, is because we have people who go too far. I've been known to do it in forum posts and teamspeak, but I never had to be banned from a (PUBLIC) server for anything. It's knowing your limits, rules wouldn't be made if no one broke them to begin with. <---(Hypocritical)

Edited by Watermelon Jackson
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ok man one last thing

ive been an admin for the past 6 months in jb

i took a break for a while but now im back

i never doubted your ability as an admin i just said you exploit the priviliges of admin in a way we as payed admins are not allowed

and with that i end my side in this

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ok man one last thing

ive been an admin for the past 6 months in jb

i took a break for a while but now im back

i never doubted your ability as an admin i just said you exploit the priviliges of admin in a way we as payed admins are not allowed

and with that i end my side in this


Exploiting something means gaining something from it, I used my powers and I used them in a manner which I felt was appropriate for the time and place. I understand we have these rules, but I'd go so far as to say even the unpaid admin is allowed to do such actions, if in fact he does no harm. If I was wrong, then my bad broski, but you gotta come to me and chat about it and not get all riled up about the matter. I'll apoligize for my words too, my tone in the previous posts was a tad bit rude. <3

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8900-unmutes himself from team mute

Idk why you needed to do that it was just 10 sec team mute.


13500-unmutes himself b4 5:30

Same here dont need to unmute yourself for any reason, then again i dont mind for a good reason, but you just talking useless shit.


17000-abuses all chat with soemthing he can do in dead chat or pm

You were invisible so people can shoot you, but if you didnt know that then you may have asked why he shot you, so i dont see any abuse there.


51000- all chat

That is clearly all chat abuse, whether you mean it or not mean its abuse.


55000- unmuting himself

abuse again unmuting for useless shit.






You dont do this again and we are good, keep doing this things and you may get admin revoked.

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