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reviewed Requesting The Reconsideration Of A Permanent T-List


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I can only hope that the severity of a permanent t-list be saved for intentional mass freekilling, and not as an assertion of administrative dominance. However, it would appear that this isn't the case, as "spite" is the unofficial reason for my latest ban.




I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to dispute the one month tlist. I am fine with this, and am assuredly capable of learning its intended lesson. In fact, in my comment that yielded the offensive punishment I was complying. I was not attempting to bait RageQuit, I was simply demonstrating a lightheartedness towards the whole affair.


I attempted to make matters right with RageQuit, as seen here: https://hellsgamers.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=36234


I hope this matter is sorted out fairly among the admins, as I have spent 150 hours on this server and have done my best to be an upstanding member of the community. This whole affair could be easily settled by a mature exchange of words, and I honestly hope that it does.


Thank you,



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