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reviewed Ban Appeal


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Hello. My name is Julez, and I recently joined HG PERP [2 days ago].

Anyway, I recently got Blasklisted from driving, for 5 hours. I really think I should be unbanned because my computer is not the greatest, which means, I will be quite laggy. Therefore, making driving nearly impossible.


So yes, I will occasionally drive recklessly, cause of this. But I ask the HG staff to please, lift the ban, because it was my first time being in a vehicle, and as I said, the laggy is tremendous. I'd really hate for my whole day to be ruined cause of this.


Thank you for your time.



Edit*Btw, I am terribley sorry if this is the wrong template, like I said I'm new. And just want to have the privelege of driving again. :(

Edited by Suicide
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