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Which Champion Should I Unlock Next? -Lol-


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My IP is increasing and I feel it's time for me to unlock another champion to broaden my skills in LoL. The first champion I unlocked was Xin Zhao after he was featured in the champion selection. I absolutely fell in love with this character and felt exceptionally comfortable playing as him. I will say that, when I choose any character in any game, I always go for the mele type. I know some of you out there have a lot more experience playing this game than I do so, I'm asking for your opinion. Which champion should I shoot for next?

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If you want a champion with a similar style to Xin Zhao (bruiser, fighter, off-tank, strong AoE, powerful CC), a few good picks are:






Jarvan IV










Now that's a pretty hefty list, I know. If I were to pick 3 or so of them (look up videos to how they play and see which fits you best) for being fun, I would go with Shyvana, Jarvan IV, and Wukong. Any of them are nice buys though. As far as strong (right now they're a bit stronger than the average champ at what they do) champions, go for Irelia, Skarner, and Shyvana.


By the way, solid pick with Xin Zhao. When I first started playing, Xin Zhao was stupid strong (was nerfed eventually) and was one of the first champs I played as well (Miss Fortune was my first). He's dope as hell and was buffed recently so he's also fairly strong.

Edited by Larry
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I am assuming that you are going top lane, but do you build Xin Zhao more bursty assassin or more off tank? Here are some examples of items that fit each criteria



Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge



Frozen Mallet



If you prefer a strong ad champ (assassin Xin), then a champ like Gangplank would be good for you. If you prefer bruisers and off tanks, then a champ like Jax or Wukong. BTW, I highly suggest buying Garen, he fits a similar style and hes only 450 ip...which gives you a cheap buy and lets you get more experience with champs.


Oh, and Wukong, Jax, and Olaf are all free this week, all of which are also similar to Xin's play style...try them out BEFORE you buy a champ!

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I am assuming that you are going top lane, but do you build Xin Zhao more bursty assassin or more off tank? Here are some examples of items that fit each criteria



Phantom Dancer

Infinity Edge



Frozen Mallet



If you prefer a strong ad champ (assassin Xin), then a champ like Gangplank would be good for you. If you prefer bruisers and off tanks, then a champ like Jax or Wukong. BTW, I highly suggest buying Garen, he fits a similar style and hes only 450 ip...which gives you a cheap buy and lets you get more experience with champs.


Oh, and Wukong, Jax, and Olaf are all free this week, all of which are also similar to Xin's play style...try them out BEFORE you buy a champ!

Being completely honest, if you play xin like that you're going to have a bad time.

It all depends whether you're jungling or not. If you're toplane you want to build like a typical bruiser by getting Tforce , warmogs , randuins (so and adc cant kite you) and then the rest is situational, that's what I go for top lane anyway, Jungle is a different story,rush machete into madreds, then buy boots[1] , follow up with a locket of the iron solari ,follow that up with some health and a wriggles. The rest is situational and depends on what your team needs. Charger, that was the dumbest build I've ever seen. Worse then the one I did that almost got me banned .

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don't need wriggles perry. honestly you shouldn't ever upgrade madred's into wriggles on anybody anymore except maybe lee sin (free ward jump OP) because thats 900g and honestly if you upgrade that just wait 100g and build a giant's belt. and if you aren't building a sunfire cape on xin i think you have a bad time.

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don't need wriggles perry. honestly you shouldn't ever upgrade madred's into wriggles on anybody anymore except maybe lee sin (free ward jump OP) because thats 900g and honestly if you upgrade that just wait 100g and build a giant's belt. and if you aren't building a sunfire cape on xin i think you have a bad time.

Exactly the new s3 builds strongly support not to upgrade madreds into lantern its useless towards your payment better take it to other items and wards are purchased very often and are cheap to aquire


My IP is increasing and I feel it's time for me to unlock another champion to broaden my skills in LoL. The first champion I unlocked was Xin Zhao after he was featured in the champion selection. I absolutely fell in love with this character and felt exceptionally comfortable playing as him. I will say that, when I choose any character in any game, I always go for the mele type. I know some of you out there have a lot more experience playing this game than I do so, I'm asking for your opinion. Which champion should I shoot for next?

Listen Tell us what lane you are thinking of purchasing the new champion for than we can give you better perspective of the choices compatible for your style and gameplay As BlueHorse Said Garen is a good pick because he is cheap first of all and that wil allow you to buy Runes for him, 2nd he is a good offtank or tanky champ with amazing countering and bruizer builds.

very recommned champion and not a hard one to figure out.

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if you're going to play bottom you should learn to support (taric/lulu/leona are strong in this meta) or ADC (draven/MF/ezreal are the some of the safest picks bot lane IMO) thats not to say you can't play what you want bot lane, but currently bot lane is reserved for the ADC and a support. however some people are anticipating a shift towards a double bruiser bot lane kill lane.


also israeli i never said he should pick up garen. however if you want a champ that literally gets free stats for doing nothing garen is amazing at it. he has a slow clear on his Q (an 8 or 9s CD) he has a free 20% bonus MR and Armor passive on his W and a free tenacity and 30% damage reduction on his W. His E also deals decent damage even without any damage items as at rank 5 it deals i believe 110% of your total AD + a base damage.

Edited by BluHorse
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I agree with larry, picking xin zhao is a very good pick for any starting out player,

Mine was Wukong which is free this week.

I say him and J4 would be solid picks for you.

Gunna throw out there you might want to look into Kha Zix's, he is my go to guy for top lane.

Now if you go for a support bot kindof role, try Allistar or Taric

Edited by Skreamer
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