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reviewed Unban Please? Ban Was Completely Unjust.


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I was playing as "Banana Mittens" on the -HG- Jailbreak server, and to be honest past midnight PST there are like 6 people that know how to be CT and I actually have a mic and use it, everyone else is a complete idiot and has no idea how to play. I play respectfully, I always apologize and kill myself if I freekill.

"Servo" was screaming into the mic last night repeatedly EVERY single time that someone got shot on "T" that it was a freekill and that he had it on Camera. I killed 2 people that disobeyed direct orders from warden and the warden even told me what I did was OK. so Servo hops on the mic and starts shouting that hes going to ban me and T list me permanently and wont shut up about it for 10+ minutes.

He was out for blood and took every single thing that happened out of context when he obviously has no idea how to play himself.


I got paid at work today and was going to apply for Admin because I feel that I have a good grip on how to play Jailbreak, but I am now reconsidering because I don't want to pay $15 a month if any jackass with a grudge can get someone banned for literally no reason.


So long story short I would like to request I be unbanned, like I said, I play respectfully and follow the rules to the best of my ability and I don't think I should be punished because you guys allow anyone that's pissed off to get someone banned.


Thanks for your time,


-Banana Mittens / NickZX10

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You know you aren't banned from the servers. You know you were tlisted.


Yeah I know that, but as I already stated, no one knows how to play as CT, and playing as T gets boring really quickly. I was looking forward to playing a bunch this weekend then this shit happened.

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