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Admin Abuse Jjk


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1. Abuser name:JJK

2. Their Steam Id:Unknown

3. What server: Hellsgamer Perp

4. About what time: 5:00

5. PROOF: The ban list. And the picture.

6. Please tell us about the incident:

JJK is admin abuseing the shit out of me. Last night he banned me for 1 hour for punch whoring. We were all joking around and he took it seriously. So it was no big deal to me. So after i'm banned he changes it from 1 hour to perm because he didn't know the other guys name who did it. So I told him and he logged off leaving me banned all night. Then after i'm unbanned finally I get on and I was playing with friends again. I said; PUT ME DOWN NIGGUH. Cause he raised the chair in the air, Nigguh is something I say all the time with friends, Racism is not intended, And then he said don't say that that's racist.

I needed to talk to him about last night so I ran up and said; WHERE ARE YOU NIGGUH. On accident because it's how I talk in real life. So then he gets off and bans me for 2 days. When I send him a message explaining it he replies; I don't have time for trolls. I'm sick of being abused by this admin and I want a shorter ban. It's sad and rude of him to do this.



The first ban was deleted because he wants to cover the abuse.


Thank you!




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Not even going to read your sillyness.



Last night you punchwhored, got a warning and a temp ban


today you were racist, got ANOTHER warning.


You came to me and continued to use racist remarks.




Then you spam my forum account - I ask you not to spam me (yet another warning) , and yet you continue to msg me.


good luck with your report

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I also never got a warning on the punch, I punched him twice and he said; You're going to get banned mother fucker and disapeared and I got banned. As soon as you said stop, I did. You were extremely rude to me in your message; I don't have time to deal with trolls. And I said n***ah to my friend refering as a friend. It's a word plenty of people say, Nobody gets offended by it unless I said n****r. You just didn't like me because of the night before so you stuck your nose in my conversation and banned me.

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