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Admins Saying Saying "off" To Non-English Or "spammy" Music?

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In the MOTD:

"Admins may instruct players to stop music if there is a reason. Non-admins may use admin chat to complain about music with reasons."

However, most admins just say "off" without giving reason to music not in English, even when no Non-Admins object to the current music.


"MUSIC : ONLY acceptable on: Wardays and Fundays (such as zombie or 300 or freeday) and if instructed by the lead Or on !LR (T priority)

I abide by this rule but I still get Admin(s) saying "off" to Non-English music. (Again, without stating reason or others objecting to the music.)


What's NOT in the MOTD:

"You may not play Non-English or "Spammy" music."


When I ask for a reason they say it's because my music is Non-English or it's "Spammy".


I finally decided to argue with an Admin and when I asked why it's a problem that the music is not English, he changed gears and said the music was too spammy.


I'm not making an Admin Abuse report (obviously, otherwise this would be in the Admin Abuse forums)

I'm just wondering if it really is against the rules to play Non-English or "Spammy" music on HLDJ even when there is no official rule about it on the MOTD and if Admins are allowed to tell people to turn it off for such reasons.


TL;DR: An Admin told me to turn off music without giving reason. I asked and he said it was because it wasn't in English. When I argued against that he then said it was because it was too spammy.

Are these reasons valid?

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Reiizm I don't know about the "English only" rule but in my opinion your music is a bit loud, which can come off to be obnoxious. In my opinion if more that 3 people suggest the music should stop I would stop it. Otherwise feel free to express yourself. Keep in mind I am not admin/higher power.

You're actually the first to comment on the volume.

I'll get on lowering the volume on GoldWave ASAP, thanks for the heads up.

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I think this is a gray-area where admin discretion is subjective and can cause disagreements.


If you're playing a song that you think people would like and they don't), admins are free to say "off, {reason}".


It being a non-English song is a valid reason as long as people disagree on your song choice. By the way, one person saying 'i like the song' or 'keep it on' doesn't count as a valid reason to keep it on. Vice versa, one person (including the admin) doesn't necessarily mean it's okay for you to mute it.


once again it's a gray area thing.


Furthermore, if you play a song deemed subjectively 'annoying', there is always a chance you will be muted.


So unless we have a demo (showing context and actions taken) and the song name (subjective aspect) demonstrating otherwise, he or she had full right muting you.

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Yes I agree some of the songs can be annoying but when you have admins not gonna name anyone who just don't like the player tell them to turn it off, THAT bothers me.

Could you imagine if every player could say off instead of just admins? It's just trolling or of course, God forbid, someone may have their own opinions of what music they like.

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Could you imagine if every player could say off instead of just admins? It's just trolling or of course, God forbid, someone may have their own opinions of what music they like.

No you honestly haven't the slightest clue what i'm even talking about do you? I said because he doesn't like the person playing the music? Learn2read?

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why not just play your music in the background if it bothers you? it bothered the admin enough to tell you to turn it off, i'm sure it probably bothered other people in the server. Playing music that is not of a native language is not liked by a lot of people and can annoy seem like spam to them simply because all they hear are random words they cant understand. If its just because a admin doesn't like you get proof and submit it, but everyone has different tastes in music and its hard to find a song majority of people in the server likes. Don't get mad about people saying you to turn it off play it in the background if you want to listen to it next time.

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In response directly to reiizm, you are one of the few I like that plays hldj. He doesn't spam over lead, waits after the lead dies before playing in case a new lead takes over, and plays music at appropriate levels. I may not like some of the music but its not overbearingly loud, not racist, and not at inappropriate times. Thank you reiizm. I think as long as those rules are followed, it shouldn't be a problem. I think a lot of admins (mostly newer ones from wheat I've seen) ask people to turn it off if they don't like the song. I hate country but if someone is playing it at an appropriate volume and at the right time, I will never tell them to turn it off.

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As long the song isn't really ear bleeding, or some type of annoying tune to it or annoying voice on it, it is fine, but if you are going to play the duck song off your iPod I would rather just go on youtube myself. Personally I think HLDJ should be banned from the server because there is always a war of what song to play and some people have different opinions on music. Usually us admins try to wait until there are more request, or its just annoying EVERYONE, but they dont want to speak up. This isn't anything close to admin aboose or over using our power, its us talking for the people

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