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My Friend Was Banned - He Wants To Appeal - Where Does He Post?


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So, my friend got banned from the community and the PERP server, and he would like to appeal. I've searched high and low for a proper place (in the forums) for him to appeal his ban but I found no such sub-forum. So before he goes about making another forum account and screw up more (though he didn't screw up in the first place, his parents are a**holes) I thought I might ask where he should put it. And, please go easy on him, he didn't do anything wrong. His parents apparently (forgive me if I'm wrong) contacted HG and asked to have him community banned. And now he's banned from PERP, too, but I don't see his name on the bans list...

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I don't know what to say then, Make sure your getting the name he was banned under, or his correct STEAM ID. That is all the bans for the last age, unless he was banned years ago, it's gonna be there.

Thanks for your help, I found him by setting the search setting to "exactly to" and he popped up.<3

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