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reviewed Kicked Another Admin ;_;


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1. Abuser name: HanabalHellion

2. Their Steam Id: Steam_0:0:28839877

3. What server: JB

4. About what time: 10:13 pm


6. Please tell us about the incident :Jasper was leading using HLDJ and hanabalHellion asked if he could stop multiple times and then Hanabal kicked him and said "idgaf" he just handled it very wrong and he knew he was kicking a admin and did not care one bit.




Edited by KarmaOfPain
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Lol. It was my normal voice... If you've ever heard me lead before I have this "girl" voice a few people ask for occasionally when I lead since I lead a lot and Hanabal really hates the voice and feels really uncomfortable when I use it. He even told me in private chat to stop using it and I kinda ignored him because I was actually leading the day better than I do with my normal voice because people are too busy trolling because I sound like a chick and all I wanted was the ability to do wardays. Hanabal is a cool guy and all, it just kinda pissed me off about the situation. He understands he shouldn't have done it, he just really didn't like my voice and he even told me he was going to do it but I ignored him. That's the situation.

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Hanabal is one of the coolest people/admins in this server and if he leaves, i probably will do. Another friend of mine who shall remain nameless was also recently stripped of admin and banned for a very long period of time and i considered leaving then too.

You shouldnt post in absue threads unless you have proof or its about you...

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