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not abuse I8 Abuse, Kicking For No Reason


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1. Abuser name:I8mydg1337#linkhatswag

2. Their Steam Id:not sure

3. What server:Jailbreak

4. About what time:7:00 A.M. CST

5. PROOF: http://cloud.dloaded...6fe6bb56bd1.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident:

I won't lie, Clam isn't the best person, but in this case he did nothing wrong. I8 even started it, I only have the part where he took the power to kick him, but they have been abusing him all morning, and I'm sure if you look around you will find that there are other reasons for a abuse report to be up. I grabbed this piece because it was where he actually kicked him for something that he had started, and I remember clearly from being warned myself once that if you start talking shit too that you can't actually do anything against them, usually taken if you start it, but I was told that if you get in it you can't punish. So I'm here posting this because shortly before though i couldn't find it when I scrolled back that I8 had started the whole incident.

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Firstly that wasnt the only reason i kicked him. he was baiting numorously, yelling into mic, not only that but he was disrespecting two others other regular players than me after i warned him 3 times. secondly i didnt start the incident. clams started when he decided to yell in the server. i warned before hand saying next person to spam over lead gets a mute. he started it when he started swearing at me and others. disrespected lily, a regular player and draith, another reqular cant vouch for all of this. so as for clam doing "nothing", thats a lie. ialso gagged him and warned him to drop it and still after the gag and mute he persisted to swear and disrespect others and then after all that he decidedto promote fire. which i let slide by the way. so in my case i havent done anything wrong. as for the kick i should have typed more information as to why i was kicking him but, he had coming his way after baiting, promoting fire, disrespecting after warnings and spamming over lead.

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First of all, you did mute and gag, but then proceeded to talk shit on him the entire time he was not able to respond, and then he turns around and says something in a joke, and you kick in an arguement YOU started. He may have had issues, but baiting isn't a kick reason, so that shouldn't even be on here. And when everyone else was laughing and continuing with him, it obviously wasn't taken as disrespect by them. You also disrespected him as much if not more than he did you, so an advisement is that you should read everything I said, as all of it was true and correct.

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yes but promoting fire is. more flase accusations. no proof other than that pic which doesnt show what happened above it. i didnt talk nearly any shit as crabs did. so the two people who i have now added for refrence, who say they were disrespected werent? that screenshot didnt show above and he said "he couldnt scroll up". makes sense

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Unless there's a demo this is going nowhere. All i see is him being kicked and all context to the situation being removed.


This is from clams chatlog

"and now u muted me is this a fucking joke"

"link u need to either slay or put me back on ct for that bullshit or im reporting i dont give ashit if u resolve itnow"

"link dont ignore me like the bitch u are"

"link fight me u pussy"

"thats a bitch move"


So the gag seems warranted to me


Not abuse.

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