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The Hotel California Of Gaming Communities


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Two questions for anyone who'd like to share:

Why do you think people always come back after "leaving" HG?

What keeps YOU around HG whether as a recruit, member, veteran, or friend?


I've always wondered what it is about HG that brings people back over and over. Is it the servers? Is it the people? Leadership? Why do people try so hard to stick around after saying "goodbye" to the clan? Why won't ttam go the fuck away, and why Hellraiser keep exploding all my internets.


To share my own side, I was a member of a number of gaming communities before I joined HG. Back when "Hosties" (hostages) mod was popular (before jailbreak took over) back in 2006-2007, I joined a number of communities that hosted Hosties servers. Head-Shot Militia, Ass-Smack Militia, Total Assault Gaming, and later The Gaming Syndicate. I joined each and left each after I ended up getting bored of the people or the servers went stale. I still talk to some of my friends who started TGS (they're still around as a gaming community), but I don't play on their servers much at all. I later joined Christian Crew Gaming, but left after I got bored of non-jailbreak CSS in general. Then came eGO and finally HG.


Clan-hopping stopped once I found HG in 2009 and joined in 2010. I can't quite put my finger on what keeps me around, but I know it's in large part due to the people. I've made friends in HG that have meant a hell of a lot more to me than a lot of the people I know from school or church. Perhaps I'm afraid leaving will making keeping in touch with them difficult, or maybe messing with them just isn't as easy without the V in teamspeak. In any case, it seems to me that others just value the servers. So many people make unban request after unban request just so they can get their fix of Jailbreak/PERP. Having played both extensively, I can see how people get hooked, but to make an unban request every month to be told no each time is beyond me. There's something more about the community we have here that attracts people and keeps bringing them back when they're gone.


So share. I'd love to see what you guys think. Why do people keep coming back, and what keeps you around?

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Two questions for anyone who'd like to share:

Why do you think people always come back after "leaving" HG?

What keeps YOU around HG whether as a recruit, member, veteran, or friend?




1. some come back when they find out it costs an arm and a leg to run a community, plus hours of time to keep people happy.


2. I stay in HG becuase HG is BadAss, and they let me be a BadAss.

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Why do you think people always come back after "leaving" HG?


Probably because there is affinity still between them and friends (or HG specifically).

Most people rage quit because of one stupid incident and they come back either asking to be unbanned or try to establish a new identity in the community. IMO it's because they still like hanging out with the people/or having that ability to be 'trolling'/'joking' with HG. They do not necessarily hold affinity towards actually caring about the community and just want something out of it. possibly because they were getting something out of it, they come back in desperation to feed off of what made it easy. Maybe because what they found wasn't enough outside of HG so coming back to HG is easy.


It's just like the petty theme of guys going after easy girls for 1 night stands and such. They can't deal with the consequences if they occur. They'll promise they'll change etc... (tha'ts kinda my analogy of people leaving HG specifically and coming back).


What keeps YOU around HG whether as a recruit, member, veteran, or friend?


I have little affinity left for HG specifically but there is still a great amount of affinity for people here.

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Can't be faded brought me here. And I stay here for all the other people who make HG what it is.

As I have said before, HG is actually a community of people. Sometimes the going gets tough but if we want change we have to be willing to change ourselves first.

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Why do you think people always come back after "leaving" HG?


I think most of the reason why people "come back" is because it's like a family. If you grow accustomed to something, you're not going to be able to forget it. If you meet someone spectacular and begin talking with them, you're not going to just stop talking to them, this community thrives off of relationships.



What keeps YOU around HG whether as a recruit, member, veteran, or friend?




Most of what keeps me around is keeping the children, and adults (sadly) who are mad, mad.

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1. People come back cause they get bored as fuck and HG's servers are run well


2. I stay cause the people and the admining. There's a nice group of asshats who keep me in HG and in ts3 all the time and I also like the admin system and I think it's about as perfect as it can be. Anyone can get admin, banning is up to the discretion of the admins and it's easy to get rid of hackers, and if an admin abuses it's not hard to make a report. I've played on HG DM servers since I first played CS:S and I've played TF2 Trade since I started playing TF2 on the computer.

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