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Darkdemon's Admin Abuse


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So DarkDemon has been watching me closely last game(5/6/13 10:00pm Pacific Time). He told me twice not to bait, one of which was totally on me for baiting. He warned he would T lock me if i baited again. An order came for the T's to go to the first tier of fountain while i was clearling infirm. I backed up before i could get killed and once i was far away enough, DarkDemon T listed me. THIS TIME IT WAS NOT A BAIT. Shot noticed he abuse his admin powers like this and told me to do something about it, but before i could even talk to DarkDemon, he disconnected from the Jailbreak server.


Im not sure if this is the right place, its my first time on the forums, but yeah DarkDemon needs to be watched after closely. Many other Ct's were baiting and had not even one warning to them. I was also told he has been abusing his admin powers with other players.


Thank you.

Edited by Why???
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Hey Why??? your best bet to get any results is to get some proof (ie screenshots/demos), and go to the forums. Under fourms you can find the Admin Abuse thread and follow the template provided. That is where you should post your complaints WITH proof.

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