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unbanned Been A Naughty Boy


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So some guys were arguing in TS3, I went into the WoW channel and started recording in hopes of finding a confrontation. I was kicked from the channel for no stated reason, so I rejoined. Then I eventually got banned by Clark. I'm sorry for attempting to record a confrontation in TS3.




Clark, :kiss:

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Critical thinking is an amazing skill to have. Then again it seems like you lack common sense, so there may be little to no help in your case. I suggest thinking about what could possibly result from any of your further actions. That is critical thinking. Being able to look at every angle and every perspective of whatever you are thinking about doing/saying.


Well, this post turned out to be a lot more positive than I thought.


Your method would be inefficient so adaptations would have to be made. Also, I wasn't expecting a ban or even a kick >.>

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