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Some Awesome Dancers

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Not trolling. At all. I've been learning hip-hop for almost 10 years now from some of the best dancers on the East Coast. Isolations do not make up a dance. Think of it this way. The reason that video looks "cool" is because they are doing a number of different VERY small movements in very quick succession, i.e. strobing. Now, imagine the beats were separated by 10 times as much space. Then imagine they were dancing the SAME movements but 10 times slower. You would either not notice movement for a large number of the beats, OR you would think it was boring. Being able to do "not dance" faster does not make that "not dance" into dance. Sadly, people who aren't trained/interested in dance won't realize that. Theatrics are entertainment, but theatrics are not dance.

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The concept of "beauty in the eyes" has not generally applied to dance until the early 1930s when Vaudeville became popular in the states. Dance used to be a VERY exclusive artform that only the select few who could learn from the masters were part of. Dance was difficult, it was spectacular (in its very definition; something of a spectacle), and most importantly it was codified. When dance is no longer a discrete concept and becomes this generic "anything fits" idea, you cheapen what dance really is and make it so true skill and artisanship are not recognized. When all dance is considered "good dance in its own right", actual pioneers of modern dance and new styles fail to reach the forefront. For example, if Michael Jackson came out in 2013 as a new artist with the same style with which he sang and danced songs like Bad and The Way You Make Me Feel, they would not have nearly the same recognition and fame as they do now. Their technical expertise and the power of the movements would be washed out by the fact that things half as skillful (the choreography in Justin Bieber's Beauty and the Beat for example) are considered just as good by the masses.


Taking the elitism and difficulty out of what we as a culture choose to define dance simply cheapens dance to the point where TRUE greats cannot be recognized. It turns dance into entertainment rather than the full expression of emotion and ideas into timed, precise, and expressive movement.


This is true hip-hop dance. These dancers are in a league of their own:


Mike Song:

Phillip "Pacman" Chbeeb:

Andrew "Goodfoot" Baterina:

Hilty and Bosch:

Daniel Jerome (one of my very favorites; started on youtube and now choreographs and tours with Jay Park):

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