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reviewed Abuse From You


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Yes I was playing on minigames and we were on break helicopter and i typed !view to see my hat i had just switched to then i typed it again to undo it and began to move and play, I was slayed by HG you, then i began to explain myself and he started being disrespectful then Deathshot said I did it but I would like them to put up what came in console because i was only checking my hat in was only in the 360 preview for about 3 seconds and was banned for an hour for no valid reason.

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Abuser name: you, Deathshot and youthecat

Steam ID:




Minigames Server

About 8:00 pm

Admins don't have proof either

He said I was banned for it before so I must have did it again which is not a valid reason to slay. Then Deathshot banned me for doing it when I was in the !view status at the begginning of the round for only 3 seconds so it wouldnt have made a difference anyway because the blocks hadn't began shooting yet.

Edited by RedDevil6193
he dont know shit
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I didn't ban you because of you abusing the !view command. I told you to stop arguing unless you wanted a ban and you continued calling both myself and another admin out. You are fresh off of a ban, and you continue to act this way? Also, I don't need proof for a 1hr ban either. Unless you want it extended.

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I told you not to knitpick because I view myself. I wasn't using any profanity or any language of disrespect. The reason that whole thing went down is because you slayed me for viewing myself which was one of the reasons I made this abuse report. Maybe if you actually would have said just drop it I would have but all you guys did was say I was wrong and you were right,

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So you're saying it's okay to hour ban just because you want to? without proving anything or having a valid reason? It's okay just to slay me for what you see as abusing the !view command because I have done it before? Don't knitpick me out and ban me for an hour without a damn good reason to do it. I could care less about that ban I just hope some justice gets done about the abuse that was done here #FreeTheprodigy

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I called you out for abusing? Is that a crime because I'm pretty sure that HG doesn't want admin abusers which is why this forum is here in the first place. Honestly you should thank me for calling you out on abusing before someone else does. I didn't disrespect you or break any rules that deserve a ban. Please give a valid reason before banning someone because honestly this is just people getting mad at me for being right so they have to get the last laugh? you feel me? Maturity/Respect are the keys to success. :)

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Yeah, I've been talking with Prodigy (Jimmy), realizing I was wrong, shouldn't have slayed him because there really wasn't a reason. Should've warned in all chat first about it then I later looked at his chat logs and noticed he did access the store early. Sorry about this, been one of those days, should've looked at him at least instead of just assuming.

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