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not abuse Sup/suicide


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1. Abuser name: Sup/suicide

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:3809530

3. What server: HG 10mans

4. About what time: 12:45 am est ~

5. PROOF: 17bnyv.jpg


6. Please tell us about the incident I was told to sub in for someone so I did it was round like 10-9 I played 3 rounds timed out joined back instantly to find HG | Magic taking my spot so I asked tdogg to tell him to go to spec so I can have my spot back and tdogg did but magic ignored it, so the second round comes around and tdogg still asking magic to go to spec and he still doesnt so finally magic dies and I ask him to leave and he does but anyways. Suicide starts spamming in admin chat hes not trolling ( tdogg said he was trolling and to report him) you guys are being dickheads ( im a dickhead for asking for my spot back?) and I told suicide since you were there could you please make magic give me my spot back sooner instead of 3 rounds later and he goes "dont timeout and you wont lose your spot" I didnt time out I got a no steam login error which I can easily retry and come back I don't see the big deal. He annoyed me by his comment so I told him he was annoying me so he kicks me and I lose my spot back again just to see the server full which really annoyed me. Long story short uncalled for kick server became full disrupting the game for no reason.

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spends all my money lol. dick. theres nothing wrong with this it was a dick move I leave for 20 seconds he plays 3 rounds and spends all my money, and I already posted a picture of me telling you you were annoying me, because you were. You call people fa****s and bitches all the time and even more, I mean this in the most non-disrespectful way but you are a hypocrite if you're going to kick someone for calling you annoying. This did not warrant a kick and the "passed bans" nonsense, lol.

Edited by Strafe
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In my defense I was spectating and people in spec were saying for someone to sub so I did. Last I checked there was no reserved sub. After about 3 rounds of playing I decided to go spec b/c I didn't know whether or not Strafe was actually playing originally or not so I gave it back to him.


Edited by Magic
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It is up to an admin and their discretion on what is considered disrespect and of course if it towards the admin it will most like be considered disrespect. So from that not abuse.


Also why not just shut the hell up instead of blabbering your mouth, I could really care less if he is annoying to you just don't say anything and you won't be in these situations. Next point, Suicide if you are indeed calling people fa****s and initiating the confrontation just fucking stop because you are making not just yourself look bad but the other admins since you kick people for calling you a fa**** so let's stop the contradiction.

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