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not abuse Sidarius Banning Me For Custom Lr


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Ok I admit sidarius did warn me about this but he banned me for doing a custom lr with music Nipple was spamming music and for my custom lr I wanted to do the safety dance I asked him to turn it off and so didnt Headband and he kept saying admin didnt say in admin chat and he wouldnt turn it off so I can play my safety dance song for custom lr and I got banned for spamming my music when he was the one doing it. Even ask Persian and Headband and Sexy.

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First, you may want to follow the template for an abuse report;


Steam ID:






As I said in your ban report, What you were banned for is your non stop disregard for the rules. You were warned several times rounds earlier to stop playing music over others, Nipple was already playing his music, you said "off" in chat and then played your music over him immediately afterwards like a spoiled child. This is something you do often, you are not above the rules and will not get your way just because you ignore/complain to admins. It was a 30 minute ban, it could be much longer if i started demoing you.

Edited by Sidarius
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You called me a spoiled child because it was my lr and he didnt listen to admin and turn off his music when I wanted to do what I wanted on my lr day? I said off 5 times and do you not care a other admin told him not to I know im not above the rule I just want you to know something I dont give a fuck if I get my way I just want to get justice from your free ban. I dont care what archer says or you because what you did was totally Imature.

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Why do you think I took the time to do all this I know you did this to me because you dont like me but if you looked in chat you would of saw that I asked and told and admin told him to stop yet im the one "Acting like a spoiled child" Just because you have the power doesnt mean you can ban me. He wasnt following the rules of Headband and motd and yet im the one banned.

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Because that was a dick move to ban me for playing music on my custom lr I started playing the music after I told him off 5 times then a little bit after my music going Headband tells him its custom lr he has to turn it off [VIP] Whiteninja Tunnel-snakes : MUSIC OFF

HG | Nipple ºaQº : i was told not to stop

HG | Nipple ºaQº : by admins

[admin] HG | |͇̿S͇̿i͇̿d͇̿a͇̿r͇̿i͇̿u͇̿s͇̿| ºaQº : white are you serious? [admin] [HG] Headband ºaⓆº : nipple hes doing a custom lr

[VIP] Whiteninja: NIPPLE OFF Disconnect: You are banned. Visit hellsgamers.com/bans for more info.



And there proof from console.

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1. Abuser name: HG|Sidarius °aQ°

2. Their Steam Id: Unknown

3. What server:hostname:sion : 1765266/24 5304 secure

udp/ip :

4. About what time: 1:03 a.m

5. PROOF: [VIP] Whiteninja Tunnel-snakes : MUSIC OFF

HG | Nipple ºaQº : i was told not to stop

HG | Nipple ºaQº : by admins

[admin] HG | |͇̿S͇̿i͇̿d͇̿a͇̿r͇̿i͇̿u͇̿s͇̿| ºaQº : white are you serious? [admin] [HG] Headband ºaⓆº : nipple hes doing a custom lr

[VIP] Whiteninja: NIPPLE OFF Disconnect: You are banned. Visit hellsgamers.com/bans for more info.

6. Please tell us about the incident: I chose custom lr told Nipple to stop spamming music for my custom lr so I started my music during his and got banned.

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