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reviewed Captain Shkippy Abuse


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Abuser name: Captain Shkippy (something along those lines)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59795284

Server: Jailbreak

Time: 5-10 minutes ago

Proof: http://imgur.com/llt...oRKVu,5YJJS5m#0

about: Kicks Silenced, Claims it was a porn spray, MOTD clearly states no porn sprays BELOW THE BELT. I adminsprayed silenced as seen in the third picture and it wasn't below the belt.



EDIT: Bonbon broke the forums, all direct links appear in full size for some reason even though I'm just linking them, not even inserting img. Just click on the link I put as proof and go on the top bar to go through the 3 images.

Edited by Poohunter
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1. Abuser name: Captain Shkippy

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:59795284

3. What server: Jailbreak CS:S

4. About what time: 30 minutes ago

5. PROOF: in screenshots Sile1/Sile2



6. Please tell us about the incident:


Silenced was kicked by Captain Shkippy for "Porn" in the motd it states "No horrid/pornographic sprays(nothing below the belt). Now Silenced told me and the whole server he's been using that spray for upwards of a year now. It obviously complies with the rules stated in the motd and this is just another incident of an "Admin" acting before thinking. He doesn't know the rules and is not familiar with them. Thought I should post instead of talking in game and getting muted.


Silenced spray -=> (OBVIOUSLY NSFW http://imgur.com/vssNPOv)

Edited by Wolfman
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