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How Play Music/sounds Using Vac


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This guide will teach you how to mic spam on any game/program that involves using a microphone. You can always use HLDJ , but it only works for Counter-Strike:Source as far as I'm aware. If you have any problems , send me a private message or leave a reply.

The Requirements:

  • VAC (Virtual Audio Cable). There is a link to it.
  • Foobar2000. There is also a link for this.

Lets begin.

I will show you how to set up VAC and a compatible program with it. NOTE: I will use Foobar2000 for this tutorial. There are many other programs out there that have the same functions.

Step one.

First of all , you're going to need the music player.As said above , I will be using Foobar2000 for this tutoria. Here is the link for it.Its free , no surveys or stuff like that.


After you're done downloading that , install it.

It should look like this when you open it:


Step two.

Now you will need VAC. Here is a link to it for free:

https://mega.co.nz/#...50t3OMkjLUnM7ug and here is a virus scan https://www.virustot...59940/analysis/

NOTE: The rar/zip file will contain 2 setups. The one called "setup.exe" is for WIN 32-bit and the other "Setup 64" is obviously for WIN 64 bit.

Step three.

After installing it a few windows may appear asking if you want to install the drivers , click yes. Now go to the VAC Control panel. It should look something like this:


Click on that and set the cables to 2.


Step three.

Now you will need to change the output in Foobar2000. Launch Foobar2000 , go in file , preferences , playback and output.

NOTE: If you have a mic pluged in , choose line 2. If you don't , select line 1. You could also unplug your microphone and choose line 1.



Step four.

Now you will want to add music. I use a YouTube converter. This one converts the video into a HQ mp3 file , the download is also fast , so you shouldn't have any problems with it.


Step five.

Now go convert all your favorite songs and add them in Foobar2000.You can add songs by dragging them into the program .If you're going to mic spam in a source game , open the console and type "voice_loopback 1" to see if the music players works or you just wanna listen to the music and also type "+voicerecord" in the console so you don't have to hold your push to talk button.

For Winamp:

1.Open Winamp

2.Press "ctrl+P" , it will open the preferences menu.

3.Double click on "Nullsoft DirectSound Output" and change it to Line 1 or Line 2.

That is all.

If you have an audio cable you could hook it up to your iPod/iPhone/MP3/whatever player and your microphone port. That is all.


Edited by Reality
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I've been using this program for a long time but this guide might result into alot of micspam because you probably cant !nospam this since it is not hldj/hlss and plays music directly through mic instead of loading a file




or my personal favorite



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I've been using this program for a long time but this guide might result into alot of micspam because you probably cant !nospam this since it is not hldj/hlss and plays music directly through mic instead of loading a file

You can load the file from your audio player and stop it whenever you want.
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really should change !ban to !banhammer and when u !banhammer someone all of a sudden MC hammer yells out STOP...... hammertime and he gets banned.

You can do that if there is a command like "sm_ban". Just type in the console something like this "say BAN HAMMER TIME!";sm_ban". Or you can bind the say part to a key and press it before banning someone.
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