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Your Favourite E3 Announce?


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Yetserday (June 10th) was E3 and as a lot of you know that's when a lot of stuff is revealed, personally all I was really excited about was BF4, 98 colonel on ps3 bf3. I liked how they're bringing back the Commander option from BFBC2, and the dynamic maps, such as whole skyscrapers (which you could go inside) would collapse. Other games which look promising are Destiny (new Bungie game) which reminds me of Borderlands/Mass effect 3.


Here's the Official BF4 Multiplayer trailer:


Commander mode show off:


Destiny trailer:


it'd be nice to hear what other people are looking forward to see in the next year gaming wise, oh yeh and xbox one looks like shitty spyware.

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my favorite part was when microsoft exec. fuck up saying this

While it technically doesn't require an "always on" connection, it does have to connect to the internet at least once every 24 hours, or once an hour if you're accessing your library from a separate console - and if you exceed those limits, you'll be locked out of your games until you're able to get online.

That's a pretty big deal, because it effectively locks out gamers who have limited or no internet access - and they're out there - or who simply have a problem with the idea of being arbitrarily denied access to the games they bought and paid for. But Mattrick, Microsoft's President of Interactive Entertainment Business, told GTTV that the company already has offline gamers covered.

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity. It's called Xbox 360," he said.



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