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not abuse Admin Abuse


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1. Abuser name: hg Quadcore

2. Their Steam Id: N/a

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 10:00 PM GMT -5

5. PROOF: Attached image

6. Please tell us about the incident: I was walking around checking for rebels and I was slayed. His reasoning for slaying me was "YOLO."


Edited by Bonbon
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It wasnt quadcore it was me.



Just for all my not abuse report my steam id lol.


I slayed you for being in s4s while there were not any rebooblers and i said as soon as i slayed you, but you kept asking why you got slayed.

I said almost 3 times why you got slayed and your badass keep asking why you got slayed.

SO at last i had to gag you, cause you are one derp ct who dont know how jb works.


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So basically you slayed me because I wasn't taking orders? You don't have authority to boss CT's around. You know good and well that watching T's from S4S isn't considered camping. Also if quadcore didn't slay me then he should not have claimed it.

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Let me break it so your smart ass can understand this.


So basically you slayed me because I wasn't taking orders?

Rule is if you are not near ts its camping, you were in s4s while ts were in hurdles so way to far.

I slayed you after i checked that there were no rebooblers.



You don't have authority to boss CT's around.

Every Admin have authority to boss everyone. And you are talking to me who is css division leader, i have authority to watch whole god damn server and all god damn admins.


You know good and well that watching T's from S4S isn't considered camping.

Rule is if you are not near ts its camping, you were in s4s while ts were in hurdles so way to far.


Also if quadcore didn't slay me then he should not have claimed it.

Jb is full of trolls there is no rule that you shouldnt say stuff, you are so stupid that you thought he did that for reals.

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Let me break it so your smart ass can understand this.



Rule is if you are not near ts its camping, you were in s4s while ts were in hurdles so way to far.

I slayed you after i checked that there were no rebooblers.

-So you ghosted and then slayed me because I am not able to do the same? I am always under the assumption that the prisoners are rebelling.



Every Admin have authority to boss everyone. And you are talking to me who is css division leader, i have authority to watch whole god damn server and all god damn admins.

- With all due respect you are just like any other admin you are not above the rules.


  • Admins must abide by the same rules as players.
  • Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers).

Rule is if you are not near ts its camping, you were in s4s while ts were in hurdles so way to far.

- The rule specifies that you have to be in that area for an EXTENDED period of time. This was not the case.


Jb is full of trolls there is no rule that you shouldnt say stuff, you are so stupid that you thought he did that for reals.

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-So you ghosted and then slayed me because I am not able to do the same? I am always under the assumption that the prisoners are rebelling.

Omg you derpass, you dont go look for rebooblers unless you know they are missing. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT.


- With all due respect you are just like any other admin you are not above the rules. " Admins must abide by the same rules as players. Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers).


You got slayed not tlisted or banned, for ct offenses its slay templock tlist.


- The rule specifies that you have to be in that area for an EXTENDED period of time. This was not the case.

The fuck you talking about.




You know what you are one nitpicking derp.


I m not gonna argue anymore cause your mind is not evolved to understand this.


Wait for um+ to reply and make final decision.

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Omg you derpass, you dont go look for rebooblers unless you know they are missing. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT.


>That my friend is your philosophy that isn't how to play JB.


You got slayed not tlisted or banned, for ct offenses its slay templock tlist.


>It refers to "punishment" in the rules. Not specifically tlist or ban/kick.



The fuck you talking about.


>The Rules?

> camping (being in an area for an extended period of time where you can not see the Ts) before last CT


You know what you are one nitpicking derp.


>Admin abuse isn't funny or cute it is bullshit. I'm guessing you don't like being called out?


I m not gonna argue anymore cause your mind is not evolved to understand this.


>That is pretty disrespectful bro.


Wait for um+ to reply and make final decision.

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First of all your screen shot doesn't even show anything, besides you being slayed and reddevil asking you were inside shot for shot, while at this point they were all in obstacle.


Second of all, if you could not directly see a terrorist, you were definitely far beyond camping whilst in shot for shot if everyone else was in obstacle.


So unless you can provide demo proof that you could actually see, or had actually seen a T recently and that you were actively chasing him, you were definitely camping. You can not just go looking around the map because you "think" there is a rebeller. The only time you should ever be doing this is when there is two non rebelling Ts left, and there are other Ts rebelling that is preventing LR.


And if you still feel like argueing, or you think this rule is unclear in the MOTD try reading the holy bible of jailbreak, if you can still not find it there post in that thread and the front post will be updated with a clarified text. We are very limited with space on the MOTD so we hope that most people will just use common sense to understand the rules as they were intended, but we all know that never happens...


So, besides all the things wrong with this report that I didn't cover, unless you come up with the requested proof in 24 hours, we will not take any action, especially on a trusted division leaders of CSS based on hearsay and nitpicking.


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