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reviewed Ts3 Abuse And Disrespect.


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Reason : Disrespect and ts3 abuse


Proof:http://www.filedropp...ding13061523710 http://cloud.dloaded...bd644d6759e.png


What happened: k well theres a demo of ts3, my recording like I always do. are able to hear everything, lets talk about this. so I join 10man rdy to 10man, I earn cpt round, and just after map switches big john says "noyou and vash you fucking jews" disrespect to the extreme. I personally don't appreciate being called this. and find it vary offensive. to continue the matter. he removed me from the channel for no reason, I had not said anything to bigjohn, this persists, I was removed from the channel. I come back saying "don't move me out of the fucking channel when im in the fuck 10man"right after moved again. no reasons just moved...this persists 7 more times. no reasoning no nothing. vash the other cpt joins me in the channel I was moved to asking who I wanted., when I started to feel ok well fuck it lets go back and see if im going to get kicked again I joined back to the hg 10man waiting room. where bigjohn persisted to disrespect me saying I have a little weigner, and move again no reasoning for this . and on top of it, calls me fat and my mom fucks me wrong? you don't even know me guy. this major disrespect is enough , hg needs to handle this .. allowing members to have permissions and openly disrespect members, and yes we know your drunk you don't need to try and be cool and have fun, maybe its fun for you , but to the person your harshly disrespecting and removing from the channel cause the game process not to work, aka I couldn't pick .I couldn't play the 10man because bigjohn decidied to use is ts3 powers for his enjoyment while he was drunk.. yet again..

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You all need to grow the fuck up. If you're not involved don't post. There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone recording ts3 voice. How often do things go unpunished in ts3 because there's not proof of someone saying something? Infact, NoYou has come to me about a problem several weeks ago and I informed him there's nothing I could do because it would be his word against another and the only way for something to be done is to have a voice recording. If he chooses to record every time in ts3 that's up to him, it's the same as someone recording a demo ingame.


I am not able to review the recordings because I am currently on shit internet so please wait until another dL or Management is able to review this, Thanks.


EDIT: Unlocking this incase Bigjohn would like to post on his behalf or if anyone else has proof to contribute. IF YOU ARE NOT BIGJOHN, NOYOU, DL+, OR SOMEONE WITH PROOF TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS REPORT DON'T POST.

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BigJohnMS has had all extra teamspeak permissions removed. While I don't think this event is out of character, I think the use of admin powers crossed the line. I'm sorry for the way he acted and that it apparently ruined that particular match.


I would like to say to everyone else out there the following: Recording TS isn't against the rules, and don't make a big deal out of it when people do. If you have a problem with being recorded, chances are it's because you're afraid it will be used against you because you're doing something wrong. If you can't handle being recorded, don't participate in public areas. 10-man rooms since they are a public function I consider public areas. If someone repeatedly follows you into private rooms that they don't have a reason to be in (IE - 10 mans), *then* you can make a big deal about them recording.

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I do appologize to you noyou for moving u out of the channel. after listening to recording kinda seams like u were tryin to atogonize me and entrap me into doin something wrong in which u suceeded. On the other hand I shouldn't have done what I did and it wont happen again but thanks for bringing to my attention.

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