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Ts3 P2T Sticking?


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I've had something weird going on lately and hopefully someone knows what the deal is. Sometimes my tf2 won't let me alt tab out. I can push alt tab and it will make the game froze and I have to ctrl alt del to task manager to the desktop. Not a huge deal except when I have to do that (doesn't happen a whole lot, but does happen and I can't figure out why) it activates my push to talk in teamspeak and I can't turn it off without completely closing ts3 and reopening it. Anyone have any ideas as to what's causing this?

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If alt-tab dont work, you can use windowskey (the flag one) and D, this will minimise all open windows, but you will have to "open"/show them your self again or you can hit windows key and D, again for reopening all windwos but wont be the same order as before.

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