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Scrim Server Abuse....


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Somebody made the remark of " kick somebody for kinta to join " which is not the way to handle things.

This is proof of abuse straight from my console...



[sM] ĦG | ĦÑÂคdรђÃÆ’t voted to kick [HG] Joey [1/6 votes]


neno : .kick

*SPEC* jopaa200 : ....

*SPEC* 1nlove.jaDex : .kick

*DEAD* ĦG | ĦÑÂคdรђÃÆ’t : LOL

[sM] neno voted to kick [HG] Joey [2/6 votes]

pd - J^_^k : .KICK

ĦG | ĦÑÂคdรђÃÆ’t : lol

*SPEC* 1nlove.jaDex : .kick

Seboard ★ : .kick

[sM] 1nlove.jaDex voted to kick [HG] Joey [3/6 votes]

[sM] lacKKK. voted to kick [HG] Joey [4/6 votes]

pd - J^_^k : .kick

T-nem* : .kick

*SPEC* 1nlove.jaDex : lol!

[sM] pd - J^_^k voted to kick [HG] Joey [5/6 votes]

[sM] T-nem* voted to kick [HG] Joey [6/6 votes]

[sM] Vote succeeded with 61% of the vote (6 votes)





Abuse of Kick much? Theres a few names in there of people. Thanks again,



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maybe people just dont wanna play with you for following reasons


1. you have no mic hard to make coms


2. we wanted to get new people in to give everyone a chance to play


3. don't take in personal

Edited by ttaM
Spelling errors.
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maybe people just dont wanna play with you for following reasons


1. you have no mic hard to make coms


2. we wanted to get new people in to give everyone a chance to play


3. don't take in personal



i agree with jetta and other people has other reasons too i think

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wow thats was pretty gay for joey.


that wasn't fair for him, i have no idea who joey is but he's right


Joey's been doing 10 mans alot lately we wanted someone to get a chance to play instead:dots:

Edited by Rudabaga
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wow thats was pretty gay for joey.


that wasn't fair for him, i have no idea who joey is but he's right


I dont want to be mean but nobody cares about what you think.

why would you say : that wasn't fair for him when you

dont even know what happened?

Example : I dont know this book, but it looks boring.


i have no idea who joey is but he's right


Example : Hey mom idk why you dont want to talk with my dad anymore! But you are right! :)




You post your randy needless comments everywhere when you don't know anything about anything. Of course, when someone says something about you you want them to stop posting yadayadayada.


I agree

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This complaint kinda falls under of what I saidf bout Joey. He's using his priveledge to get the better of ppl and get his way and not they way its suppose to happen, Joey, this is for u, if u dont say needless things into ur mic or scream or w-e u do ppl will respect and like you more, if u dont tk in a 10 man for any reason at all (if its an accident that happens its ok) ppl will like u more, heres a tip whenever they r 10 manning go in source tv and watch them play u can get 10x better then u alrdy r go jetta and HT scrim some teams

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wow thats was pretty gay for joey.


that wasn't fair for him, i have no idea who joey is but he's right


Hai can I increase my postcount too plz


stop QQing, jetta told you to leave and you didnt then you starting backtalking him. you still wouldnt leave so e votekicked you. dont make it into something its not.


wow if thats what happened then I like how he only mentioned the kicking and not the full story

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The laughing while doing it was completely unnecessary, and showed the intent of the kick.

This cluster is getting more and more immature by the day.


I understand if you wanted a more communicative and competitive scrim, but you don't laugh while you are votekicking someone.

I guarantee you guys all laughed it up once he was kicked.


As for Joey, you can't always get what you want.

If everyone agree's on somthing, you need to understand and ask to be in the next one.


We don't need tattle tale and whining threads every fucking day from you guys whining about the 10mans.

Edited by vandium
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