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[CS:S] Player Ranking for Noobs to server


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If this has been hashed out already, forgive my noobness to HG then...


Last night while playing on office server[non-DM], I'm like so close to the reaching the 25th rank position...then I get killed by a noob, not that being killed by a noob, is a bad thing..not much one can do when you just kill a CT..and another one comes around the corner...you shoot your weapon only to hear.. "Click.. Click"...we all have heard that sound omnious sound before right?


Anyway, the noob I kill before that one finishes me off, I get [2] points, seems kinda small and miniscule...even more so..when the noob on the server kills me and gets 16 points but I lose [-14] points off my rank!! I'm like whoa! wtf!?!


Surely, when there is a massive rank difference between [2] players, there should be a cap in place to prevent such massive point pwnage...?? Like, say maybe [.5] of a point lost for every 25 ranks away the killer is from the target in rank? Surely..there is a cap in the math here somewhere..I hope??

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Pro tip: Get 50 kills the first day ranks reset, don't play again until the last week of the month and rape everyones points.


Sup ttam:


I thought about that doing that, but then I'm like, ya know, thats not a very sporting way to play... now in hind-sight...I started playing on the server in late july..I think it was like one full week before the end of the month... of course I started at zero and worked my way up to rank spot i think it was either 69 or 59 when the end of the month came up...so I see what you are saying...I just don't think thats the ethical/morally correct way to play...

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Meh point whore. Makes it harder to stay on top.


Sup fdhelmin:


Not so much that, it just feels a bit lop-sided... is all... but since you mentioned here...


I was accused of rescuing the hosties for points just last week... I'm like..I'm not rescuing hosties for points, I'm rescuing hosties for the funds for my team! As I was rescuing them [2] at a time...as there was no admin on at that time as well so its not like was had endless fundage...


But I did say in my intro.. the pup is about the mission..completeing the mission[if possible] comes first...


so rescuing the hosties, whether it be 1, 2 or all 4 at time...is a good thing[if your a ct]..

1. Your doing your JOB! {objective , a ct that does the objective? What a novel idea, i know, right?}

2. Your giving badly needed funds to your fellow CT's!{hu-ah!!}

3. You increase your chances of winning the round if the T's happen to kill the remaining hosties!


So its a win-win situation for any and all CT's...


- the pup

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It's a ranking system and at the end of the day, figuratively, month literally, it means squat. Sure, you get a reserved slot to a server that fills up once a month at best?? :P. You get immunity from bans so you can act like a douchebag without a problem, and you get a skin that makes you stick out as opposed to other teammates without one. Sounds promising.

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top20 in office is tough. Back when I started playing here almost 4 years ago, I tried my heart out to get top20 in office. took me an entire month of camping T side with an AWP to do it :X


hehe...I'm starting to see how that can be...


Thankfully, I think I can say..that between the AWP/Auto-Sig rifles..I think I have racked up less than 15 kills.. maybe even lower...


Its pretty much either the AK[T side] or Colt[CT side] for me...when the funds are there of course..but I've tried to learn to not be dependent on any one weapon...usually when I first start playing on a server, I will actually handicap myself and just use the pump shotty[not the auto] and just the deagle...until folks have specc-ed/checked me out to see that I'm legit on my shooting and not haxorzing in any way, shape or form.


Then I will move up to the MP5, the up to the colt/ak...everyone seems to think that the MP5 is a terrible weapon...if going full auto..yea..its terrible..for 3 round burst fire..its dead on target... I think the worst weapon though is the P90...on full auto the recoil spray is terrible..unless you have learned the firing pattern of the weapon, and this so true of all of the weapons..not just the P90..


They each have unique fire pattern, learn the pattern, then use that pattern to your advantage...work with all of the weapons...do not limit oneself to just one particular weapon...


both the colt/ak are deadly accurate for single round firing...spray n pray not so much...


- the pup

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It's a ranking system and at the end of the day, figuratively, month literally, it means squat.

Agreed, no argument there...


..." and you get a skin that makes you stick out as opposed to other teammates without one. Sounds promising.


I didn't think you got a skin just for being in the top 20, only if you paid for the reserve slot that one got the HG skin?...


Agreed, so you get bragging rights..that you made the top 20...I am gonna try to get into the top20 if I can..just to see if I can do it...if I do great..then maybe I will give my free slot to some deserving noob who shows promise... I was planning on getting admin anyway for this server...but for now just have to wait and see how the month ends and see where the pup lands at...


I'm sure there are better systems out there somewhere that have a better ranking system..but so far I haven't seen one...

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