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New Area In Jailbreak

Fat Masta Shu

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Ok guys. So I was playing jb last night got lr a lot and thought, there should be a new LR area that consists of like a Maze race, a b-hop course and things like that so the t`s could have more fun facing the ct`s. Lemme hear your thoughts and opinions on this matter because I honestly feel like it would make LR more enjoyable than just the same old stuff.

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Well, it's not the problem of adding it in, it's the problem of Bonbon finding the time between fixing/adding stuff for Tf2 and CSGO while working on the premium mod. Each game that has jailbreak gets their time when the others are done and that's pretty hard when a new one comes out. Though keep up your ideas, I'd love to hear more of them.

Edited by youthedog
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It would be awesome to get more areas like CSGO has, but as youthedog says Bonbon is busy with the other games, mods and stuff. So untill Bonbon gets more time, it would be a bad idea to add more because of the bugs that would'nt get fixed.


I would like to see an option for obs, to diable death(water dont do damage).

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Let me play "Bonbon" for a second;


If you do not have the time/skills to create a map/mod/skin/game on the server, the suggestion to do so will fall on deaf ears. HG has a lot of projects and shit going on at any given time, resources are not available to meet each request made on the forums.


On another note, I would love to see more areas added too, but cannot make them myself so..won't happen.

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how about a race-2-the-finish area like in super smash bros. or a shooting range where who ever shoots the targets first wins lr. (this is my 1 post of the month to keep my active status up on the forums)

This would be really really cool, if it were made like s4s: T get lr and choose this and has meany options of guns.

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I am still waiting for my jello-room to be implemented, the walls..the floors..all jello, there is no purpose other than to jump around and bounce off of shit with low gravity, maybe with a pool of sharks w/ lasers attached to their head..for good measure.

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