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Runescape 3


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The release happened today. Jagex swagged it out with HTML5, but it still just doesn't feel the same. Being a player back in 2006, it seems to me that this game is trying to emulate WoW to the detriment of the gameplay and probably Jagex's profit (since the peak users per day is way lower than what it used to be, probably no greater than a quarter of like 2007/2008). RuneScape was great due to its simplicity to learn in tandem with a wide variety of things to do with such basic knowledge; now, combat and a ton of other skills are way more convoluted than for what I care to understand.



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Hi there, I've been addicted to Runescape for years.




Not sure if you've heard about this little nitch in the community but we have fun over on the oldschool servers. I started playing RS again because of it. Casually though, not competing for anything.

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I just couldn't get use to the new Runescape, not saying that it is bad or anything but it was just too different from the game I loved. I absolutely hated WoW when I played that and it seems that's what Runescape is turning into.


Good thing they have oldschool.

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I played it starting in 2005 for a couple years. Quit for the longest time cause I was just addicted and went back on every so often. Got my mining to 99. But its just not the same. Too complicated and the economy in it is a joke now.

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