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reviewed Bill Cosby Abuser!


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1. Abuser name: Bill Cosby

2. Their Steam Id: 0:18884031

3. What server: CSGO JailBreak

4. About what time: 650am mst aprox

5. PROOF: tick 11000

6. Please tell us about the incident : bill baits right after someone gets tlisted at same spot for baiting, I tlock him, he proceeds to think he can disrespect any admin by calling them derp, and untlocks himself. After he realises it was me who did it he proceeds to argue with me to justify his actions. Then comes to forums to call me a dick http://hellsgamers.c...5894-bill-cosby


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He was undercover as he tlocked me, Everyone screamed "derp admin" as did I so I untlocked myself, Maybe if you warned me instead of jumping to a tlock I wouldn't have been confused. My admin runs out at the end of july, Ive purchased admin for a few months and after this incident I think this will be my last month seeing as how cocky and rude this admin was. We all make mistakes, Jumping to a 5 round tlock as an undercover admin was a dick move, but I digress.



EDIT: This whole incident could have been avoided had you followed the Warn,slay,tlock,tlist rule.

Edited by Bill Cosby
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So let me get this straight.


1. A CT was caught baiting and was tlisted for doing so.


2. You decided to do the exact same thing and was tlocked. (The warning was the tlist of the last ct and it was only a 5 round tlock he did for you)


3. If you felt like it was a "derp" admin, you should have just reported him for abuse.


4. You should have typed sm_who in console and see who it was before you decided to untlock yourself.


You've been an admin for several months (and hellsgamers appreciates your donations) but you should have not baited and you should have took the last tlist of the baiting CT as a warning. There would be a difference if you were a new player but you've been on our servers long enough to know the rules.


And this whole incident could have been avoided if you decided not to bait.

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Again, I'm at fault for baiting yes, but he could have simply warned me. Another CT getting tlisted for baiting doesn't suffice as a warning because you don't give reasons as to why they were tlisted, It just says "tlisted".


I have a post from JJK that states


"Inducing Ts to attack you = bait

Constantly standing near the ts / afking in the open = bait

Mistakenly falling near the ts = not bait

standing around 4 body lengths away from ts = not bait

lead sending ts your direciton unknowingly = not bait"3



Mistakenly falling near the ts = not bait -

I did fall I did not jump.


standing around 4 body lengths away from ts = not bait


I'm pretty sure I was 4 body lengths away.

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Not one of those tlisted besides yours is for baiting. My history is more of console tlists from my tarps and other things. Why would I purposly jump down to bait when I have a perfect view from the catwalk?


I didn't bait and you jumping right to a tlock was wrong. Ill take the tlist for my evasion actions for untlocking myself before checking, That much responsible for.

Edited by Bill Cosby
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Responsible for admin disrespect too, just on that alone you deserve a ban, we do not need immature individuals arguing with leadership , that leads to server disruption. o be honest I was not gonna report you until you came on the forums to indirectly call me a dick. We discussed it in game, the demo shows that. YOU WENT OUT OF YOUR WAY FOR THIS ARGUMENT, IN THE TLIST YOU ARE CURRENTLY SERVING.

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Responsible for admin disrespect too, just on that alone you deserve a ban, we do not need immature individuals arguing with leadership , that leads to server disruption. o be honest I was not gonna report you until you came on the forums to indirectly call me a dick. We discussed it in game, the demo shows that. YOU WENT OUT OF YOUR WAY FOR THIS ARGUMENT, IN THE TLIST YOU ARE CURRENTLY SERVING.


What disrespect have I shown? I'm expressing how I feel about this incident. I never went on the forums and called you a dick? I said in BAN section (different from forums) Your action was a dick move( Thats not indirectly calling YOU a dick thats calling your actions a DICK move). We discussed it in admin chat not in the server chat, I then took it for the ban section then you reported me for admin abuse and it escalated from there. Even if I did go out of my way for this argument its my right to.



I am extending this tlist, and locking this until dl+ responds. Since you need time to fully understand the rules and regulations.





Extending my tlist for explaining my actions. Nice, I'm sure a dl+ would have seen it in the day I was tlisted. I fully understand the rules and regulations. My history isn't terrible and I'm an active player and members on the server know me pretty well. As I stated before, I'm fine with the tlist I'm just expressing my feelings towards the actions that were done. Maybe you could learn from this and acknowledge what you did and how you could have done differently. Extending my Tlist is a bogus move. I'm sure youll just lock this thread like you did with the tlist and try to silence me.

Edited by Bill Cosby
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As far as I can see, you both handled the situation incorrectly.

Ascii when you are "undercover" you shouldn't expect them to know who you are. they will most likely think you are a new admin. You should have talked to him before taking any action whether or not you are right.


Bill instead of unlocking yourself you should have !whoed ascii and saw it was him. Regular admins can't tlock each other anyway.


Next time before taking ANY action just talk to each other. This could have easily been resolved in the server.

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