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Deagle Toss

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I think this LR is a bit abused. Anyone T with speed has a better chance at throwing it father then a CT and most people Just do this LR nonstop for the rep because they know they'll win. I say we either remove it from !lr or make it so both CT and Ts speed become the same.

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Ive always felt once i reach lr my speed goes back to normal, also ive heard about some scripts thing to be better at deagle toss im noob about any sort of modyfing the client whatsoever so idk they were just trolling or if this is real, just wanted to give my opinion about it.

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Whoever has speed during the round and gets to LR, type cl_showpos 1, it'll show a little dialog, post what the numbers are when you're running.


Also if I'm not mistaken, speed always resets into LR because it could be abused for lrs such as race, it may have broken on CSGO though.Lrs won't be removed either by the way, just because someone sucks at it and whines that they lose everytime doesn't mean you have some almighty power.

Edited by youthedog
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Either way. deagle toss gets abused constantly and if I'm not mistaken doesn't the MOTD forbid repetitive/abusing LR to farm kills? Or can someone explain this to me. I see 1 T just do deagle toss just to farm kills/rep

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2nd tier fountain jump gets abused vehemently on CS:S JB. It's faster than deagle toss and its a lot easier to consistently win. But if you're good enough as CT you can still win.


If a T gets through the warden's shitty day and manages to get to lr ahead of 20 or 30 other Ts, shouldn't he be allowed to do whatever he wants? Even farming kills.

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Either way. deagle toss gets abused constantly and if I'm not mistaken doesn't the MOTD forbid repetitive/abusing LR to farm kills? Or can someone explain this to me. I see 1 T just do deagle toss just to farm kills/rep


also the deagle toss kill farming is when the T knifes the CT in the back as he tries to do his toss. winning repeatedly is fine.

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