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Ts3 Ban Handling.


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Yesterday (15/08/2013) I was playing a quick game of Grid and had my headset beside me on the bed, after a 5 minute drift session I come back onto teamspeak to find out I had been permanently banned for MIC SPAMMING. Seeing how I didn't even have my headset on this confused me so I instantly came onto the forums and looked around on how to create an unban request but when I searched my name/steamID nothing came up.


After getting nothing from searching I asked in the chat box for some help saying "I was just perma banned from TS3 meanwhile my headset wasn't even on and the only noise in my room was my tv, how do I post a topic for the unban"

(note: This is the jist of what was said, if who ever helped me sees this help me out?)

soon after I was shown where and how to post the topic by a link that was send to me and figured since it was late that I would do it in the morning and hopefully by the evening be able to get back on but instead this is what I woke up to.3YuBCgK.png?1


Being called a liar and told that I MIGHT be unbanned if I set a push to talk button when he get's home from work was really not needed considering I did not lie and from what I have seen there is no rule stating that you need to have your TS3 set with a push to talk button but as shown in the next screen cap I am told other wise.




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Of course it may have been an accident but it doesn't mean you're not getting get at least scolded for it. You gotta pay attention to whats going on. You should be able to see in ts3 that your mic is activated and making noise.


On the other hand though, everyone makes mistakes and I don't think anyone is gonna hold it against you in the future. It might not seem fair but every so often we get in trouble for shit we didn't mean to do.


Making a forum post to make a point is not the way to go though. If you really want something handled, pm someone in leadership. Forum posts for things like this only make a situation worse.


or do that


Edited by xafizzle
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I am not trying to make a point or get him into any kind of trouble I just wanted to talk about the way things are handled with bans and get to understand how it is all dealt with because I was not expecting the way this played out at all.


I do notice and pay attention but because I was playing grid I wasn't able to see the TS3 window and my headset wasn't on me or to close to anything noisy so I thought it was safe.

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The main thing that got me was when he said "If you don't like the way I handle anything than don't screw up". That caught me off guard because I assume that there is even rules for admins and the way they have to handle a ban or anything going on, not just how ever the admin feels like dealing with it at the time.

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Mic spam is mic spam, I see no abuse. Instead of coming on here trying to ruffle some jimmies, you should accept the fact that you mic spammed and that it cuased server disruption ; the normal communication between players actually using ts3 poperly. locking thread until L+ says so

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