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Beta Testers Needed For Twitchling.com - Twitch.tv App


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Hey guys,


I used to be somewhat of an active member at hellsgamers and life had a way of creeping up on me with my girlfriend having a baby and moving to Florida and a new job and so on and so forth. Long story short, I haven't been part of the community for a while and I apologize. The last thing I should be doing is asking for your help but I hope there are no hard feelings!


Anyways, the reason I am posting is because recently I created an application which can be found at twitchling.com and I am in the need for beta testers. In a nutshell, it's a way of earning XP by being part of the twitch.tv community and being an active member. The more you do things on twitch the more you will gain XP. You have the ability to earn twitchlings which can be thought of as "items" in pretty much every MMO you have ever played. The focal point of the app is that you have the ability to create these badges that contain information such as your rank, XP, level, and more. You can see my badge in my signature right below the post. You can find more information on the actual site but that's where it's at in its current state.


This has literally been created in less then a week and the idea started when I started up my stream a week ago and I was thinking to myself, "How cool would it be if twitch had a feature that gave me xp and items by just casting". Then I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, twitch has an API and I'm a web developer so maybe this is something I can do". So here I am about 5 days later and I have the start of something that could be potentially pretty cool for the twitch community.


This idea is just the beginning and I have so many ideas swirling in my head to what this could be. My goal is that a year from now this thing is completely transformed in to something I could never dream it could be.


So, since this was my first gaming community and I enjoyed my stay here I want to exclusively bring you guys twitchling.com and I'm looking for feedback from you guys or any bugs you encounter I'd like to hear about them.


Thanks for your help!



Edited by diK
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Thanks for the positive support!


I'm going to see if it's ok to post this here and hopefully I'm not breaking any rules.


@Delink - It's for both casters and users. I'm glad you asked that though and especially if you were to look at the logo you would assume that this is only for casters when that is not true. I need to change that. Casting games will give you bonus XP but is not at all a requirement as I do plan to add many ways for users to gain XP through twitch as well as on the twitchling site such as a battle system I'm implementing.


@EpicSoyMilk - Thanks for the feedback! I actually do plan to add many, MANY more features. In fact, I think it will be beneficial to share my ideas and change logs here to show the progress of the application. I think I bookmarked a good site just for that so once I put that all together I will share it.


Any ideas or thoughts are welcome and I truly appreciate your help!

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Big update incoming!


Here is a list of the changes:


- Created a menu for different twitchling abilities to the badge progress badge

- Added Stats

- Added the ability to Exercise, Farm, and Battle

- Added a menu for each individual twitchling that will allow you to easily navigate to their badge progress page and follow them on twitch.tv (This earns you XP)

- Added a loader icon to the badge page so you can see how slow the http responses are from twitch.tv

- Added a donate option to earn twitchlings

- Added a stat board to the badge progress page

- Added a “top 10″ button in the main navigation

- Create a button to go directly to the twitchling’s twitch.tv channel

- Added a support feature to so users can submit feedback/bugs

- Added the blog


Here is a blog post that goes in to more detail about the update!


The thing that sticks out with this update is that your twitchling has abilities and stats at twitchling.com. This basically allows you to gain XP directly from the application. Once you login, and then visit your badge progress page you will be able to see the abilities in the toolbar at the top of the page.


Let me know what you guys think!

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Hey Guys,


I have another update to the twitchling.com project and this iteration had a primary focus on the UI and I would love to hear some feedback on the new direction that I am taking with the interface.


Here is the changelog:


- Created a money system

- Added a slot machine to earn monney

- Added a store to spend money

- Improved the farming ability providing the chance of gaining items

- Fixed plenty of bugs

- Improved the UI on the home page and on the Twitchling progress page

- Added various stats on the stat board

- Provided a minimum of 10 battles and 10 exercises to every twitchling’s daily cap


Here is a blog post going in to a bit more detail



Hope to hear from you guys. It means a lot :)

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