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reviewed Fps Mike


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1. Abuser name: FPS Mike

2. Their Steam Id: 0:59852026

3. What server: CSGO JB

4. About what time: 6-8pm Central America

5. PROOF: attached

6. Please tell us about the incident: This guy is constantly abusing admin powers by tlisting/untlisting and adding himself to CT when teams are already stacked!




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1. Abuser name: FPS Mike

2. Their Steam Id: 0:59852026

3. What server: CSGO JB

4. About what time: 6-8pm Central America

5. PROOF: attached

6. Please tell us about the incident: This guy is constantly abusing admin powers by tlisting/untlisting and adding himself to CT when teams are already stacked!

I don't think there are any rules about me being a CT. "dat ratio" takes care of those problems and I wasn't CT last night when the report was made.

When I tlist the wrong player or by mistake I untlist them I don't just pretend I didn't make a mistake.


First picture - Guy was yelling obscenities and freekilling and telling me to suck his dick so I had to kick him and tlist him. He later apologised for free killing and didn't realize what he had done so I removed his tlist.


Second one - was a hard baiter and tlisted him then realized i tlisted the wrong guy so I removed the tlist - shot was there


third - Poop tried to act like a DA and explain the rules about kicking to me. Look ive been here and i've kicked plenty of times. There where 45 people on and I gave a 1 round warning. He didn't read the warning in all chat nor in console and he tried to start lecturing me and I told him he is a stupid idiot and he shouldn't tell me what to do if he didn't check console or the all chat. He tried telling me I didn't give a 1 round warning when in fact I did. HOW THE FUCK IS HE GOING TO TELL ME WHAT I DID OR DID NOT TYPE without checking his chat box????


The first and second picture he wasn't even on for the third he was on for.


He didn't like that I told him to fuck off because I'm sick of admins trying to act as leadership. I know what to do and i did it correctly. He got mad and started raging and said he is going to get me banned, get my admin revoked, blah blah blah blah blah.


Why is his time About what time: 6-8pm Central America if he wasn't even on for the first two screenshots and the first two screenshots are on a different day than the third?


Here are pictures of him being mad and him "abusing" aka unlocking after realizing he made a mistake






Someone better tell this guy to stop trying to act like a DA

Edited by FpsMike
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I was very polite in letting you know what you did wrong, we all try to help each other out. You blew up at me and the other admins (Joker in particular) for no reason. I have been playing this server for a year now, I have been a Member longer than Icon/Killuminati/Shot who are all higher ranks than me, I know the rules very well. kthx



Your SS just shows me leaving to make this report... don't know how thats abuse? hue

Edited by PoopMaster
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I was very polite in letting you know what you did wrong, we all try to help each other out.

No you weren't being polite. Being polite would be asking if I gave them a warning not telling me to give them a warning. I gave them a warning and if you wanted to give me advice you should have checked if I gave them a warning.


You blew up at me and the other admins (Joker in particular) for no reason.

I'm not new, I've kicked people before and you know because you have seen me kick people. I told you and joker that I gave a warning and you lied and said that you checked and I didn't when I clearly pasted the console to you. Next time don't come at me with rules unless I did something wrong and I won't blow up on you.


I have been playing this server for a year now, I have been a Member longer than Icon/Killuminati/Shot who are all higher ranks than me, I know the rules very well. kthx

Icon/Killuminati/Shot have been chosen for higher ranks because administration saw them fit for it. Obviously they didn't see you fit for a higher rank yet.


Your SS just shows me leaving to make this report... don't know how thats abuse? hue

It shows that you were obviously upset and want to announce to the world that you're reporting me.

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