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Puffy, Up For The Task

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My name is Puffy, and I've just joined HG.

My IRL name is Bradey, but I'd rather be called Puffy around here.

I'm 15 years old, still in school. I'm from Oklahoma.

I play on the CSGO JailBreak server, normally as a CT but I rarely lead. I don't find much enjoyment in single player games, so what I normally play nowadays are CS and Mount & Blade. I suck PRETTY BADLY at CSGO (kdr .516), but I'm decent in CSS from the last few times I've played it. Sometimes I'll still bust out DayZ and play it, even though it's dead... I'm a die hard Libertarian, and the best way to get a conversation up with me is to talk about guns, gun rights, or the government in general. I'm also in my high school's band, so that's a cool thing, too. I like to smoke weed. My favorite things are of course vidya gamez, 4chan/k/ (hurr muh secret club), guns, weed, and music from the 60's-70's (Boston, Foreigner, Pink Floyd, Rush...) and some from the 90's. (Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Tool...) I'm an Atheist, but don't expect me to go spouting off about any of that at the slightest chance. It's a stupid thing to get controversial about.


Re-reading this I think I sound like a douche, but you should know I'm awkward in introducing myself.

Pic related, its mfw you all hate me immediately.

Come to think of it it's my new profile pic.


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