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A-jnin / Cant be faded gunplant aboose.


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1. Abuser name: A-jnin, Cant be faded


2. Their Steam Id: A-jnin steam id : STEAM_0:1:12689698 // Cant be faded : STEAM_0:0:12922386


3. What sever: Jailbreak


4. About what time: 8:45 am (eastern)




Image is to verify name




Demo :











6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.


I saw A-jnin gunplant (i was undercover = nutsacks). He denied it and i forgot to take a screenshot of "cant be faded" saying that he bought the awp and deagle with money. Then A-jnin stated in admin chat "he bought it you fuckin assholes". With this said they proceeded to gunplant a few more rounds and i asked a fellow buddy of mine if we could do anything. I took 2 demos. I also mentioned do not gunplant...






edit: A-jnin also said that Cantbefaded bought the awp cause he is a staff..



Edit2: 9:13 am they are continuing to do it...


Demo : http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/up/044ff45012f023be289181698b171b44.dem

Edited by Artillery
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My point was that we should use our energy on getting the racists and freekillers and get them punished rather than spending time arguing about something thats not a big deal. A warning could have been enough since you dont usually gunplant.



Edited by Baby_Buddha
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