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Lebowski Is Happy


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<13:43:34> "Lebowski Happy": do youi want to do some madness bf3?

<13:43:41> "Lebowski Happy": I have a girl friend!!!

<13:43:49> "Lebowski Happy": went on a morning date this morning

<13:43:50> "Math": lOL

<13:43:56> "Lebowski Happy": I wish I asked her out a long time ago

<13:44:19> "Lebowski Happy": she called me crying yester, cause she is a paper pusher at the city hall.. and everybody has been picking on her

<13:44:27> "Math": is her name pamala handerson and was your date under the sheets?

<13:44:30> "Lebowski Happy": during the whole long long phone converstaion

<13:44:45> "Lebowski Happy": I just put it out there.. that I would like to take her out on a real date date

<13:44:52> "Lebowski Happy": she said yeah right away

<13:44:55> "Lebowski Happy": its cute

<13:44:59> "Lebowski Happy": I hope she is the one

<13:45:03> "Math": omfg

<13:45:07> "Lebowski Happy": knowen her for to long eight years

<13:45:12> "Lebowski Happy": I like typing.

<13:45:17> "Math": STFU

<13:45:22> "Lebowski Happy": wish there was a even faster keyboard

<13:45:32> "Lebowski Happy": yeah I put my avatar as a pic of her

<13:45:39> "Lebowski Happy": maybe I can get her gamming with me


<13:45:57> "Lebowski Happy": if not I might sell my 1300 gamming rig... sel it for one grand?

<13:46:07> "Math": is that a tATTOO OR IS SHE A ZOMBIE?

<13:46:19> "Lebowski Happy": :o)

her brother did my tattoo

<13:46:25> "Lebowski Happy": yeah she is a keeper

<13:46:28> "Lebowski Happy": cooks works

<13:46:32> "Math": dude

<13:46:47> "Math": have you guys had your 1hr anniversery yet?

<13:46:58> "Lebowski Happy": its actually a skull with flowers around it

<13:47:22> "Lebowski Happy": no I asked her hout last night.. and was to excited when I woke up.. so I went and woke her up

<13:47:38> "Lebowski Happy": ha ha ha we talked about moving in... cause we both have dogs that love each other

<13:47:41> "Lebowski Happy": its really cute

<13:47:44> "Lebowski Happy": there is going to be a movie

<13:47:48> "Lebowski Happy": about a internet nerd

<13:47:49> "Short": socute

<13:47:58> "Math": omfg

<13:48:03> "Lebowski Happy": I hate being a old fucker

<13:48:14> "Lebowski Happy": well time to make babies :o)

<13:48:18> "Short": wat

<13:48:19> "Short": is

<13:48:20> "Lebowski Happy": going hit up some battle field

<13:48:20> "Short": going on

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